
English Chinese (Traditional)
It is strongly suggested that you update your config.php to enable this feature by uncommenting the <b>$input_whitelist</b> variable and then running the three CLI script options above after the web based install has completed. 強烈建議您通過取消註釋<b>$ input_whitelist</b>變量並在基於Web的安裝完成後運行上面的三個CLI腳本選項來更新config.php以啟用此功能。
Check the Checkbox below to acknowledge that you have read and understand this security concern 選中下面的複選框以確認您已閱讀並理解此安全問題
I have read this statement 我已閱讀此聲明
Default Profile 默認配置文件
Please select the default Data Source Profile to be used for polling sources. This is the maximum amount of time between scanning devices for information so the lower the polling interval, the more work is placed on the Cacti Server host. Also, select the intended, or configured Cron interval that you wish to use for Data Collection. 請選擇用於輪詢源的默認數據源配置文件。這是掃描設備之間獲取信息的最長時間,因此輪詢間隔越小,Cacti Server主機上的工作就越多。此外,選擇要用於數據收集的預期或配置的Cron間隔。
Cron Interval Cron 間隔
Default Automation Network 默認自動化網絡
Cacti can automatically scan the network once installation has completed. This will utilise the network range below to work out the range of IPs that can be scanned. A predefined set of options are defined for scanning which include using both 'public' and 'private' communities. 安裝完成後,仙人掌可以自動掃描網絡。這將利用下面的網絡範圍來計算可掃描的IP範圍。為掃描定義了一組預定義的選項,包括使用“公共”和“私人”社區。
If your devices require a different set of options to be used first, you may define them below and they will be utilized before the defaults 如果您的設備需要先使用一組不同的選項,您可以在下面定義它們,它們將在默認值之前使用
All options may be adjusted post installation 安裝後可以調整所有選項
Default Options 默認選項
Scan Mode 掃描模式
Network Range 網絡範圍
Additional Defaults 附加默認值
Additional SNMP Options 其他SNMP選項
Error Locating Profiles 查找配置文件時出錯
The installation cannot continue because no profiles could be found. 安裝無法繼續,因為找不到配置文件。
This may occur if you have a blank database and have not yet imported the cacti.sql file 如果您有一個空數據庫並且尚未導入cacti.sql文件,則可能會發生這種情況
Template Setup 模板設置
Please select the Device Templates that you wish to update during the Upgrade. 選擇要從Cacti導出的模板類型。
Updating Templates that you have already made modifications to is not advisable. The Upgrade of the Templates will NOT remove modifications to Graph and Data Templates, and can lead to unexpected behavior. However, if you have not made changes to any Graph, Data Query, or Data Template, reimporting the Package should not have any affect. In that case, you would have to 'Sync Graphs' to from the Templates after update. 不建議更新您已經修改過的模板。模板的升級不會刪除對圖形和數據模板的修改,並可能導致意外行為。但是,如果您沒有對任何圖形、數據查詢或數據模板進行更改,則重新導入包應該沒有任何影響。在這種情況下,您必須在更新後從模板“同步圖表”。
Please select the Device Templates that you wish to use after the Install. If you Operating System is Windows, you need to ensure that you select the 'Windows Device' Template. If your Operating System is Linux/UNIX, make sure you select the 'Local Linux Machine' Device Template. 請在安裝後選擇您要使用的設備模板。如果操作系統是Windows,則需要確保選擇“Windows設備”模板。如果您的操作系統是Linux / UNIX,請確保選擇“本地Linux計算機”設備模板。
Homepage 首頁
Device Templates allow you to monitor and graph a vast assortment of data within Cacti. After you select the desired Device Templates, press 'Next' and the installation will complete. Please be patient on this step, as the importation of the Device Templates can take a few minutes. 設備模板允許您監視和繪製Cacti中的各種數據。選擇所需的設備模板後,按“完成”,安裝將完成。請耐心等待此步驟,因為輸入設備模板可能需要幾分鐘時間。
Server Collation 服務器整理
Your server collation appears to be UTF8 compliant 您的服務器排序規則似乎符合UTF8標準
Your server collation does NOT appear to be fully UTF8 compliant. 您的服務器排序規則似乎不完全符合UTF8標準。
Under the [mysqld] section, locate the entries named 'character-set-server' and 'collation-server' and set them as follows: 在[mysqld]部分下,找到名為&#39;character-set-server&#39;和&#39;collation-server&#39;的條目,並按如下所示進行設置:
Database Collation 資料庫整理
Your database default collation appears to be UTF8 compliant 您的數據庫默認排序規則似乎符合UTF8
Your database default collation does NOT appear to be full UTF8 compliant. 您的數據庫默認排序規則似乎不符合UTF8標準。
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 4042