
English Chinese (Traditional)
The Width to be used when importing or updating Graph Templates. 所有新圖表模板使用的默認圖表寬度。
General SNMP Entity Options 常規SNMP實體選項
Give this SNMP entity a meaningful description. 為此SNMP實體提供有意義的描述。
Fully qualified hostname or IP address for this device. 此設備的標準主機名或IP地址。
Disable SNMP Notification Receiver 禁用SNMP通知接收器
Check this box if you temporary do not want to send SNMP notifications to this host. 如果您暫時不想向此主機發送SNMP通知,請選中此框。
Maximum Log Size 最大日誌大小
Maximum number of day's notification log entries for this receiver need to be stored. 需要存儲此接收器的最大天數通知日誌條目。
SNMP Message Type SNMP消息類型
SNMP traps are always unacknowledged. To send out acknowledged SNMP notifications, formally called "INFORMS", SNMPv2 or above will be required. SNMP陷阱始終未被確認。要發送已確認的SNMP通知,正式稱為“INFORMS”,將需要SNMPv2或更高版本。
The new Title of the aggregated Graph. 聚合圖的新標題。
Prefix 標題
A Prefix for all GPRINT lines to distinguish e.g. different hosts. 所有GPRINT線的前綴,用於區分不同的主機。
Include Prefix Text 包括索引
Include the source Graphs GPRINT Title Text with the Aggregate Graph(s). 將源圖GPRINT標題文本包含在匯總圖中。
Use this Option to create e.g. STACKed graphs.<br>AREA/STACK: 1st graph keeps AREA/STACK items, others convert to STACK<br>LINE1: all items convert to LINE1 items<br>LINE2: all items convert to LINE2 items<br>LINE3: all items convert to LINE3 items 使用此選項可創建例如STACKed圖。 <br> AREA / STACK:第一個圖形保留AREA / STACK項目,其他圖形轉換為STACK <br> LINE1:所有項目都轉換為LINE1項目<br> LINE2:所有項目都轉換為LINE2項目<br> LINE3:所有項目都轉換為LINE3項目
Totaling 總計
Please check those Items that shall be totaled in the "Total" column, when selecting any totaling option here. 在此處選擇任何總計選項時,請檢查“總計”列中應總計的項目。
Total Type 總類型
Which type of totaling shall be performed. 應執行哪種類型的總計。
Prefix for GPRINT Totals GPRINT總計的前綴
A Prefix for all <strong>totaling</strong> GPRINT lines. 所有<strong>總計</strong> GPRINT線的前綴。
Reorder Type 重新排序類型
Reordering of Graphs. 圖的重新排序。
Please name this Aggregate Graph. 請命名此Aggregate Graph。
Propagation Enabled 傳播已啟用
Is this to carry the template? 這是攜帶模板嗎?
Aggregate Graph Settings 聚合圖設置
A Prefix for all GPRINT lines to distinguish e.g. different hosts. You may use both Host as well as Data Query replacement variables in this prefix. 所有GPRINT線的前綴,用於區分不同的主機。您可以在此前綴中同時使用Host和Data Query替換變量。
Aggregate Template Name 聚合模板名稱
Please name this Aggregate Template. 請命名此聚合模板。
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 2397