
English Chinese (Simplified)
Consolidation Function 合并功能
How data for this item is represented statistically on the graph. 如何在图形上统计表示该项目的数据.
CDEF Function CDEF 功能
A CDEF (math) function to apply to this item on the graph or legend. CDEF (math) 函数应用于图形或图例上的这个项目.
VDEF Function VDEF 功能
A VDEF (math) function to apply to this item on the graph legend. VDEF (math) 函数应用于图形图例上的这个项目.
Shift Data 切换数据
Offset your data on the time axis (x-axis) by the amount specified in the 'value' field. 在时间轴(x轴)上将数据偏移 '值' 字段中指定的数量.
[HRULE|VRULE]: The value of the graph item.<br/> [TICK]: The fraction for the tick line.<br/> [SHIFT]: The time offset in seconds. [HRULE|VRULE]:图形项目的值.<br/> [TICK]:刻度线的分数.<br/>[SHIFT]:以秒为单位的时间偏移量.
If this graph item is a GPRINT, you can optionally choose another format here. You can define additional types under "GPRINT Presets". 如果此图项是GPRINT,则可以在此选择另一种格式. 您可以在 "GPRINT预设" 下定义其他类型.
Text Alignment (TEXTALIGN) 文本对齐(TEXTALIGN)
All subsequent legend line(s) will be aligned as given here. You may use this command multiple times in a single graph. This command does not produce tabular layout.<br/><strong>Note: </strong>You may want to insert a &lt;HR&gt; on the preceding graph item.<br/> <strong>Note: </strong>A &lt;HR&gt; on this legend line will obsolete this setting! 所有后续的图例行将按照此处给出的方式对齐. 您可以在单个图形中多次使用此命令. 此命令不会生成表格式布局.<br/><strong>注意: </strong>您可能需要插入&lt;HR&gt; 在前面的图形项目中.<br/> <strong>注意: </strong> A&lt;HR&gt; 在这个传奇线上会过时这个设置!
Text Format Text Format
Text that will be displayed on the legend for this graph item. 将显示在图形项目的图例上的文本.
Legend for Export/Hover
A Legend to be displayed when Hovering over the Graph and also used for Graph Export. Hover requires RRDtool 1.9.1 and above. It may work for RRDtool 1.8+, but not for Thold Legends.
Insert Hard Return 插入硬换行
Forces the legend to the next line after this item. 在这个项目之后强制图例到下一行.
Line Width (decimal) 线宽(十进制)
In case LINE was chosen, specify width of line here. You must include a decimal precision, for example 2.00 如果选择了LINE,请在此指定线的宽度. 您必须包含一个小数精度,例如2.00
Dashes (dashes[=on_s[,off_s[,on_s,off_s]...]]) 虚线(破折号[=on_s[,off_s[,on_s,off_s]...]])
The dashes modifier enables dashed line style. 破折号修饰符启用虚线样式.
Dash Offset (dash-offset=offset) 偏移(Dash-offset = offset)
The dash-offset parameter specifies an offset into the pattern at which the stroke begins. 偏移量参数指定了破损开始的偏移量.
The name given to this graph template. 数据模板的名称.
The Class of this Graph Template. 这个图形模板的名称.
The Version given to this Graph Template. 数据模板的名称.
Multiple Instances 多个实例
Check this checkbox if there can be more than one Graph of this type per Device. 如果每个设备可以有多个此类型的图形,请选中此复选框.
Test Data Sources 有数据源


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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 weeks ago
Source string age
2 weeks ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 2279