
English Chinese (Simplified)
Granted By: 授予访问权限:
Granted 授予
Restricted 受限的
Branch: 分支:
Device: 设备:
Your account has been locked. Please contact your Administrator. 访问被拒绝,请联系Cacti 管理员.
Access Denied! Login Disabled. 拒绝访问,用户帐号被禁用.
Access Denied! Login Failed. 拒绝访问,用户帐号被禁用.
Web Basic Authentication configured, but no username was passed from the web server. Please make sure you have authentication enabled on the web server. 已配置Web 基本身份认证,但没有从Web 服务器传递用户名. 请确保您在Web服务器上启用了身份认证.
%s authenticated by Web Server, but both Template and Guest Users are not defined in Cacti. %s 通过Web 服务器进行身份认证, 但 '模板'和'来宾用户'在Cacti 中未定义.
Access Denied! LDAP Search Error: %s LDAP 搜索错误: %s
Access Denied! LDAP Error: %s LDAP 错误: %s
Access Denied! No password provided by user. 拒绝访问!用户未提供密码。
LDAP Search Error: %s LDAP 搜索错误: %s
Access Denied! Template user id %s does not exist. Please contact your Administrator. 访问被拒绝!模板用户id%s不存在。请与管理员联系。
Access Denied! Login failed. 拒绝访问,用户帐号被禁用.
Reset password 新密码
Your Cacti administrator has forced complex passwords for logins and your current Cacti password does not match the new requirements. Therefore, you must change your password now. 您的Cacti管理员已强制使用复杂的密码登录,而您当前的Cacti密码不符合新要求。因此,您必须立即更改密码。
Password must be at least %d characters! 密码必须至少包含 %d 个字符!
Your password must contain at least 1 numerical character! 您的密码必须至少包含1个数字字符!
Your password must contain a mix of lower case and upper case characters! 您的密码必须包含小写字母和大写字母的混合形式!
Your password must contain at least 1 special character! 您的密码必须至少包含1个特殊字符!
This password appears to be a well known password, please use a different one
Cacti Login Failure Cacti 日志已清除
Authentication was previously not set. Attempted to set to Local Authentication, but no Administrative account was found. 之前未设置身份验证。尝试设置为本地身份验证,但未找到管理员帐户。
Unknown error 未知
ERROR: Unable to find user 无法找到用户DN
2FA failed to be disabled 将过滤器应用于表
2FA is now disabled 路径不可写
2FA secret failed to be generated/updated
2FA secret has needs verification 删除验证
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 3327