
English Chinese (Simplified)
Click 'Continue' to Overwrite the User settings with the selected Template User settings and permissions. The original User Full Name, Password, Realm and Enable status will be retained, all other fields will be overwritten from the Template User. 点击 '继续',用选定的模板用户设置和权限覆盖用户设置. 原始用户全名,密码,领域和启用状态将被保留,所有其他字段将被模板用户覆盖.
Click 'Continue' to Overwrite the Users settings with the selected Template User settings and permissions. The original Users Full Name, Password, Realm and Enable status will be retained, all other fields will be overwritten from the Template User. 点击 '继续',用选定的模板用户设置和权限覆盖用户设置. 原始用户全名,密码,领域和启用状态将被保留,所有其他字段将被模板用户覆盖.
Replace User Settings for User 重置用户设置
Replace User Settings for Users 重置用户设置
Template User Template User:
Deny 拒绝
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Permissive' meaning the User must have access to at least one of Graph, Device, or Graph Template to gain access to the Graph <b>注意:</b>系统图策略是 '允许',即用户必须有权访问图形,设备或图形模版中的至少一个才能访问图
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Restrictive' meaning the User must have access to either the Graph or the Device and Graph Template to gain access to the Graph <b>注意:</b>系统图策略是 '限制性', 意味着用户必须能够访问图形或设备和图形模板才能访问图形
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Device' meaning the User must have access to the Graph or Device to gain access to the Graph <b>注意:</b>系统图策略是 '限制性', 意味着用户必须能够访问图形或设备和图形模板才能访问图形
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Graph Template' meaning the User must have access to the Graph or Graph Template to gain access to the Graph <b>注意:</b>系统图策略是 '允许',即用户必须有权访问图形,设备或图形模版中的至少一个才能访问图
Default Graph Policy 默认图形策略
Default Graph Policy for this User 此用户的默认图策略
Effective Policy 有效的策略
No Matching Graphs Found 未找到匹配的图形
Revoke Access 取消访问
Grant Access 授予访问权限
Member 成员
Policies (Graph/Device/Template) 策略(图形/设备/模板)
Non Member 非成员
No Matching User Groups Found 未找到匹配的用户组
Assign Membership 分配成员资格
Remove Membership 删除会员
Default Device Policy 默认设备策略
Default Device Policy for this User 此用户的默认设备策略
Access Granted 授予访问权限
Access Restricted 访问受限
No Matching Devices Found 未找到匹配的设备
Default Graph Template Policy 默认图形模板策略
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Simplified)
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