
English Chinese (Simplified)
Device Template updated. Remember to Sync Devices to push all changes to Devices that use this Device Template. 设备模板已更新. 请记得同步模板以将所有更改推送到使用该模板的设备.
Save Successful. Settings replicated to Remote Data Collectors. 保存成功. 配置已复制到远程数据采集器.
Save Failed. Minimum Values must be less than Maximum Value. 保存失败。最小值必须小于最大值。
Unable to change password. User account not found. 无法更改密码。找不到用户帐户。
Data Input Saved. You must update the Data Templates referencing this Data Input Method before creating Graphs or Data Sources. 数据输入已保存. 在创建图形或数据源之前,必须更新引用此数据输入方法的数据模板.
Data Input Saved. You must update the Data Templates referencing this Data Input Method before the Data Collectors will start using any new or modified Data Input - Input Fields. 数据输入已保存. 在数据采集器开始使用任何新的或修改的数据输入输入字段之前,必须更新引用此数据输入方法的数据模板.
Data Input Field Saved. You must update the Data Templates referencing this Data Input Method before creating Graphs or Data Sources. 数据输入字段已保存. 在创建图形或数据源之前,必须更新引用此数据输入方法的数据模板.
Data Input Field Saved. You must update the Data Templates referencing this Data Input Method before the Data Collectors will start using any new or modified Data Input - Input Fields. 数据输入字段已保存. 在数据采集器开始使用任何新的或修改的数据输入输入字段之前,必须更新引用此数据输入方法的数据模板.
Log file specified is not a Cacti log or archive file. 指定的日志文件不是Cacti 日志或归档文件.
Log file specified was Cacti archive file and was removed. 指定的日志文件是Cacti 归档文件并被删除.
Cacti log purged successfully Cacti 日志清空成功
If you force a password change, you must also allow the user to change their password. 如果您强制更改密码, 则还必须允许用户更改其密码.
You are not allowed to change your password. 您不允许更改您的密码.
Unable to determine size of password field, please check permissions of db user 无法确定密码字段的大小,请检查db用户的权限
Unable to increase size of password field, pleas check permission of db user 无法增加密码字段的大小,请检查数据库用户的权限
LDAP/AD based password change not supported. 不支持修改基于LDAP/AD 的密码.
Password successfully changed. 密码已成功更改.
Unable to clear log, no write permissions 无法清除日志, 无写入权限
Unable to clear log, file does not exist 无法清除日志, 文件不存在
CSRF Timeout, refreshing page. CSRF超时,刷新页面.
CSRF Timeout occurred due to inactivity, page refreshed. CSRF超时是由于不活动,页面刷新而发生的.
Invalid timestamp. Select timestamp in the future. 时间戳无效.选择以后的时间戳.
Data Collector(s) synchronized for offline operation 数据采集器同步进行脱机操作
Data Collector(s) not found when attempting synchronization 尝试同步时未找到数据采集器
Unable to establish MySQL connection with Remote Data Collector. 无法与远程数据采集器建立MySQL 连接.
Data Collector synchronization must be initiated from the main Cacti server. 数据采集器同步必须从主Cacti 服务器启动.
Synchronization does not include the Central Cacti Database server. 同步不包括中央Cacti 数据库服务器.
When saving a Remote Data Collector, the Database Hostname must be unique from all others. 保存远程数据采集器时,数据库主机名必须与所有其他数据库唯一.
Your Remote Database Hostname must be something other than 'localhost' for each Remote Data Collector. 对于每个远程数据采集器,您的远程数据库主机名必须是 'localhost' 以外的其他名称.
Path variables on this page were only saved locally. 此页面上的路径变量仅在本地保存。
Report Saved 报告保存
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 1563