
English Chinese (Simplified)
License Agreement 许可协议
This version of Cacti (%s) does not appear to have a valid version code, please contact the Cacti Development Team to ensure this is corrected. If you are seeing this error in a release, please raise a report immediately on GitHub 此版本的Cacti (%s) 似乎没有有效的版本代码,请联系Cacti开发团队以确保其受到管理. 如果您在发布中看到此错误,请立即在GitHub上提交报告
Thanks for taking the time to download and install Cacti, the complete graphing solution for your network. Before you can start making cool graphs, there are a few pieces of data that Cacti needs to know. 感谢您抽出时间下载并安装Cacti, 这是为您的网络而准备的完整的画图解决方案. 在您开始绘制很酷的图形之前,Cacti 需要知道一些数据.
Make sure you have read and followed the required steps needed to install Cacti before continuing. Install information can be found for <a href="%1$s">Unix</a> and <a href="%2$s">Win32</a>-based operating systems. 确保您已阅读并遵循安装Cacti 所需的步骤,然后再继续. 可以在<a href="%1$s"> Unix </a>和基于<a href="%2$s"> Win32 </a>的操作系统上找到安装信息.
This process will guide you through the steps for upgrading from version '%s'. 此过程将指导您完成从版本 '%s' 升级的步骤.
Also, if this is an upgrade, be sure to read the <a href="%s">Upgrade</a> information file. 另外,如果这是升级,请务必阅读<a href="%s">升级</a>信息文件.
It is NOT recommended to downgrade as the database structure may be inconsistent 不建议降级,因为数据库结构可能不一致
Cacti is licensed under the GNU General Public License, you must agree to its provisions before continuing: Cacti 根据GNU GPL 许可证进行许可,您必须同意其规定,然后再继续:
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. 本程序是基于帮助别人的想法而发布的,但它没有任何的保证; 甚至没对商用或特定用途的适用性有暗示性保证. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅GNU 通用公共许可证.
Accept GPL License Agreement 接受GPL 许可协议
Select default theme: 选择默认主题:
Pre-installation Checks 预安装检查
Location checks 位置检查
Please update config.php with the correct relative URI location of Cacti (url_path). 请使用正确的Cacti 相对URI 位置(url_path)更新config.php.
Your Cacti configuration has the relative correct path (url_path) in config.php. 您的Cacti 配置在config.php 中具有相对正确的路径(url_path).
PHP - Recommendations (%s) PHP - 推荐配置(%s)
PHP Recommendations ( PHP 推荐配置
Current 当前
Recommended 推荐
PHP Binary PHP 路径
The PHP binary location is not valid and must be updated. PHP二进制位置无效,必须进行更新。
Update the path_php_binary value in the settings table. 更新设置表中的path_php_binary值。
Passed 通过
Warning 警告
Restart Required 要求
The specified value appears to be different in the running config versus the INI file.
PHP - Module Support (Required) PHP - 模块支持 (必须)
Cacti requires several PHP Modules to be installed to work properly. If any of these are not installed, you will be unable to continue the installation until corrected. In addition, for optimal system performance Cacti should be run with certain MySQL system variables set. Please follow the MySQL recommendations at your discretion. Always seek the MySQL documentation if you have any questions. Cacti 的安装对一些PHP 模块有要求. 如果缺少其中任何一个,您将无法继续,直到条件满足.另外, 为了获得更佳的系统性能, Cacti 应该运行在特定的MySQL 配置之下.请根据您的意愿遵循MySQL 配置建议. 如果您有任何问题, 请务必查阅MySQL 文档.
The following PHP extensions are mandatory, and MUST be installed before continuing your Cacti install. 以下PHP 扩展是强制性的, 必须在安装Cacti 之前安装.
Required PHP Modules 所需的PHP 模块
Installed 已安装
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


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Translation changed

Cacti / coreChinese (Simplified)

8 months ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 3940