
English Chinese (Simplified)
Cacti Log Path Cacti 日志文件路径
The path to your Cacti log file (if blank, defaults to <path_cacti>/log/cacti.log) 指定 Cacti 日志文件路径 (留空默认使用 <path_cacti>/log/cacti.log )
Poller Standard Error Log Path poller 标准错误日志路径
If you are having issues with Cacti's Data Collectors, set this file path and the Data Collectors standard error will be redirected to this file 如果您遇到Cacti 数据采集器的问题,请设置此文件路径,并将数据采集器的标准错误重定向到此文件
Boost Debug Log Boost 调试日志
This is the Log file where Boost will write its information to. It much be located in the same directory as the Cacti Log file.
Alternate Poller Path 备用poller 路径
Spine Binary File Location Spine 二进制文件位置
The path to Spine binary. Spine 路径.
Spine Config File Path Spine 配置文件路径
The path to Spine configuration file. By default, in the cwd of Spine, or /etc if not specified. Spine 配置文件的路径.默认情况下,在Spine 的cwd 中,如果未指定,则为/etc.
RRDfile Auto Clean RRD 文件自动清理
Automatically archive or delete RRDfiles when their corresponding Data Sources are removed from Cacti 从Cacti 中删除相应的数据源时自动归档或删除RRD 文件
RRDfile Auto Clean Method RRD 文件自动清理方法
The method used to Clean RRDfiles from Cacti after their Data Sources are deleted. 数据源删除后, 用于从Cacti 清除RRD 文件的方法.
Archive 存档
Archive directory 存档目录
This is the directory where RRDfiles are <strong>moved</strong> for archiving 这是RRD 文件 <strong>移动</strong> 进行归档的目录
Log Settings 日志设置
Log Destination 日志目标
How will Cacti handle event logging. Cacti 如何处理事件日志.
Generic Log Level 基本日志级别
What level of detail do you want sent to the log file. WARNING: Leaving in any other status than NONE or LOW can exhaust your disk space rapidly. 日志文件的详细级别. WARNING: 如果设置为 'NONE' 或 'LOW' 之外的状态,可能会迅速耗尽磁盘空间.
Expand log details 展开设备
What level of expansion do you want on the log file? Increase expansion can slow search results
Log Input Validation Issues 日志输入验证问题
Record when request fields are accessed without going through proper input validation 记录何时访问请求字段而不进行适当的输入验证
Data Source Tracing 数据源使用
A developer only option to trace the creation of Data Sources mainly around checks for uniqueness 仅限开发人员选项,用于跟踪数据源的创建,主要围绕检查唯一性
Log Ignored General Errors
Cacti will mask certain errors that are often times considered fatal and that would otherwise disable plugins and additionally confuse some users. If you wish to see these errors instead, check the checkbox.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
Propagated Translated Cacti/reportit
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Cacti/core
Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
include/global_settings.php:289 plugins.php:52
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 2497