
English Chinese (Simplified)
Password must be at least %d characters! 密码必须至少包含 %d 个字符!
Your password must contain at least 1 numerical character! 您的密码必须至少包含1个数字字符!
Your password must contain a mix of lower case and upper case characters! 您的密码必须包含小写字母和大写字母的混合形式!
Your password must contain at least 1 special character! 您的密码必须至少包含1个特殊字符!
This password appears to be a well known password, please use a different one
Cacti Login Failure Cacti 日志已清除
Authentication was previously not set. Attempted to set to Local Authentication, but no Administrative account was found. 之前未设置身份验证。尝试设置为本地身份验证,但未找到管理员帐户。
Unknown error 未知
ERROR: Unable to find user 无法找到用户DN
2FA failed to be disabled 将过滤器应用于表
2FA is now disabled 路径不可写
2FA secret failed to be generated/updated
2FA secret has needs verification 删除验证
ERROR: Code was not verified, please try again
2FA has been enabled and verified
%s MBytes %s 兆字节
%s KBytes %s GBytes
%s Bytes %s Bytes
%s - WEBUI NOTE: Cacti Log Cleared from Web Management Interface. %s - WEBUI注意: Cacti 日志已从Web 管理界面清除.
Click 'Continue' to purge the Log File.<br><br><br>Note: If logging is set to both Cacti and Syslog, the log information will remain in Syslog. 单击 '继续' 以清空日志文件.<br><br><br>注意: 如果将日志记录设置为Cacti 和Syslog,则日志信息将保留在Syslog 中.
Purge Log 清空日志
Log Filters 日志过滤器
- Admin Filter active - 管理员过滤器有效
- Admin Unfiltered - 管理员未筛选
- Admin view - 管理员视图
Log [Total Lines: %d %s - Filter active] 日志[总行:%d %s - Filter active]
Log [Total Lines: %d %s - Unfiltered] 日志[总行:%d %s -未过滤]
Entries 条目
File 文件
Head Lines %d 行
Tail Lines 尾行
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


User avatar tql

Translation changed

Cacti / coreChinese (Simplified)

8 months ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
lib/boost.php:64 utilities.php:1708
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 3345