
English Chinese (Simplified)
Notification Enabled 启用通知
If checked, when the Automation Network is scanned, a report will be sent to the Notification Email account.. 如果选中,则扫描自动化网络时,报告将发送到通知电子邮件帐户.
Notification Email 通知电子邮件
The Email account to be used to send the Notification Email to. 用于向其发送通知电子邮件的电子邮件帐户.
Notification From Name 自动通知的发件人
The Email account name to be used as the senders name for the Notification Email. If left blank, Cacti will use the default Automation Notification Name if specified, otherwise, it will use the Cacti system default Email name 电子邮件帐户名称,用作通知电子邮件的发件人名称.如果留空,Cacti 将使用默认的自动化通知名称(如果已指定),否则,它将使用Cacti 系统默认的电子邮件名称
Notification From Email Address 来自电子邮件地址的通知
The Email Address to be used as the senders Email for the Notification Email. If left blank, Cacti will use the default Automation Notification Email Address if specified, otherwise, it will use the Cacti system default Email Address 电子邮件地址将用作发件人电子邮件通知电子邮件.如果留空,Cacti 将使用默认的自动化通知电子邮件地址(如果已指定),否则,它将使用Cacti 系统默认电子邮件地址
Reachability Settings 可达性设置
SNMP Options SNMP 选项
Select the SNMP Options to use for discovery of this Network Range. 选择用于发现此网络范围的SNMP 选项.
Ping Method Ping 模式
The type of ping packet to send. 要发送的ping 包的类型.
Ping Port Ping 端口
TCP or UDP port to attempt connection. 尝试连接的TCP or UDP端口.
Ping Timeout Value Ping 超时时间
The timeout value to use for host ICMP and UDP pinging. This host SNMP timeout value applies for SNMP pings. 用于主机ICMP 和UDP ping 的超时值.此主机SNMP 超时值适用于SNMP ping.
Ping Retry Count Ping 重试次数
After an initial failure, the number of ping retries Cacti will attempt before failing. 首次失败之后,Cacti 重试多少次之后才确定为真的失败.
Select the days(s) of the week 选择一周中的天数
Select the month(s) of the year 选择一年中的月份
Select the day(s) of the month 选择月中的一天
Select the week(s) of the month 选择月中的周
Select the day(s) of the week 选择一周中的某一天
every X Days 每 X 天
every X Weeks 每 X 周
every X Days. 每 X 天.
every X. 每 X.
every X Weeks. 每 X 周.
Network Discovery Range [edit: %s] 网络发现范围 [编辑: %s]
Network Discovery Range [new] 网络发现范围[新建]
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 458