
English Swedish
No session Ingen session
Host Värd
System: System:
Uptime: Drifttid:
Hostname: Värdnamn:
Location: Plats:
Contact: Kontakt:
Ping Results Ping-resultat
No Ping or SNMP Availability Check in Use Ingen Ping- eller SNMP-tillgänglighetskontroll används
New Branch Ny filial
Web Basic Webb grundläggande
Device:(Hide Disabled) Enhet:(Dölj inaktiverad)
Graph:(%s%s) Graf:(%s%s)
Device:(%s%s) Enhet:(%s%s)
Template:(%s%s) Mall:(%s%s)
Graph+Device+Template:(%s%s) Graf+Anordning+Mall:(%s%s)
Device+Template:(%s%s) Enhet+Template:(%s%s)
Restricted By: Begränsad av:
Granted By: Beviljas av:
Granted Beviljade
Restricted Begränsat
Branch: Filial:
Device: Enhet:
Your account has been locked. Please contact your Administrator. Ditt konto har blivit låst. Vänligen kontakta din administratör.
Access Denied! Login Disabled. Åtkomst nekad! Inloggning avaktiverad.
Access Denied! Login Failed. Åtkomst nekad! Inloggning misslyckades.
Web Basic Authentication configured, but no username was passed from the web server. Please make sure you have authentication enabled on the web server. Web Basic Authentication konfigurerad, men inget användarnamn skickades från webbservern. Kontrollera att du har aktiverat autentisering på webbservern.
%s authenticated by Web Server, but both Template and Guest Users are not defined in Cacti. %s autentiserad av webbservern, men både Template och Guest Users är inte definierade i Cacti.
Access Denied! LDAP Search Error: %s Åtkomst nekad! Fel vid LDAP-sökning: %s
Access Denied! LDAP Error: %s Åtkomst nekad! LDAP-fel: %s
Access Denied! No password provided by user. Åtkomst nekad! Användaren har inte angett något lösenord.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x) Graf+AnordningEnhet+Mall:(%s%s)


User avatar yeager

Translation uploaded

Cacti / coreSwedish

5 hours ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check


This string has more than one translation in this project or is not translated in some components.



English Swedish
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/sv-SE.po, string 3309