
English Swedish
Edit Data Source: '%s'. Redigera datakälla: '%s'.
Unlock Graph. Lås upp Graph.
Lock Graph. Lock Graph.
View Timespans. Visa tidsspann.
Selected Graph Template Vald grafmall
Choose a Graph Template to apply to this Graph. Please note that you may only change Graph Templates to a 100%% compatible Graph Template, which means that it includes identical Data Sources. Välj en grafmall som ska tillämpas på denna graf. Observera att du endast kan ändra grafmallar till en 100%%-kompatibel grafmall, vilket innebär att den innehåller identiska datakällor.
Choose the Device that this Graph belongs to. Välj den enhet som den här grafen hör till.
Supplemental Graph Template Data Data för kompletterande grafmall
Graph Fields Graffält
Graph Item Fields Fält för grafobjekt
Graph Management [ Custom Graphs List Applied - Clear to Reset ] Graph Management [ Custom Graphs List Applied - Clear to Reset ]
Graph Management [ All Devices ] Grafhantering [ Alla enheter ]
Graph Management [ Non Device Based ] Graph Management [ Icke-enhetsbaserad ]
Graph Management [ %s ] Grafhantering [ %s ]
Source Källa
Non Templated Ej templat
The internal database ID for this Graph. Useful when performing automation or debugging. Det interna databas-ID:t för denna Graph. Användbart vid automatisering eller felsökning.
The image format of the Graph. Grafens bildformat.
Empty Graph Tom graf
Default Settings Saved Standardinställningar sparade
New Graphs for [ %s ] (%s %s) Nya grafer för [ %s ] (%s %s)
New Graphs for [ All Devices ] Nya grafer för [ Alla enheter ]
New Graphs for None Host Type Nya grafer för ingen värdtyp
Filter Settings Saved Filterinställningar sparade
Graph Types Grafiska typer
Graph Template Based Grafmall baserad på
Save Filters Spara filter
Edit this Device Redigera denna enhet
Create New Device Skapa ny enhet
(Select a graph type to create) (Välj en graftyp som ska skapas)
Create Skapa
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x) Ej tInte Templated
Propagated Translated Cacti/thold Ej tTemplated


User avatar yeager

Translation uploaded

Cacti / coreSwedish

5 hours ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check


This string has more than one translation in this project or is not translated in some components.



English Swedish
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/sv-SE.po, string 1325