

Plural formula: (n != 1)

English Portuguese (Portugal)
Unable to initialize SQLite3
Cacti Template has Errors. Unable to parse entire template.
Data Query Graph Templates Converter para modelo de gráfico
Resource Files Recurso não é gravável
Script Files Scripts
Unable to create package temporary directory %s.
The Package %s Imported Successfully Cacti log purgado com sucesso
The Package %s Import Failed
Package %s Ficheiros de Pacotes
Click 'Continue' to Import the following Package. Clique em 'Continuar' para descobrir a(s) seguinte(s) rede(s).
The following Selected Package will be skipped as no Files or Template Items were selected.
Files to be Imported
The Files in the list below will be imported. Escolha como os itens nesta árvore serão ordenados.
Template Items to be Imported Itens de modelo de cor [Editar item de relatório: %s].
The Template Items in the list below will be imported. Escolha como os itens nesta árvore serão ordenados.
Import Package Importar Modelos
You must select either a File or a Template Item to import before proceeding
Unable to obtain the public key for this package. Contact the package author to receive a new package.
You have not Trusted this Package Author '%s'. If you wish to import, check the Automatically Trust Author checkbox. Otherwise, feel free to reach the author at the following Email address '%s'.
Repo File Missing or Damaged
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable at the URL Location in the package.manifest.
Something is wrong with your Package Repository
The Signature for one or more packages is not Trusted.<br>
<b>Author:</b> &lt;%s&gt; %s.<br>
<b>Package</b> %s Ficheiros de Pacotes
Press 'Ok' to start Trusting the Signer, or escape to cancel.
Some Packages Not Trusted
All Packages Trusted
All Package Signatures Validated
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable at the URL Location or the package.manifest file is missing.
Error in Package Erro na consulta de dados


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Source string changed

Cacti / corePortuguese (Portugal)

10 days ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Same plurals

Some plural forms are translated in the same way



English Portuguese (Portugal)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
10 days ago
Source string age
10 days ago
Translation file
locales/po/pt-PT.po, string 4486