
English Dutch
Plugin Requires Vereist
Load Order Volgorde van inladen
The load order of the Plugin. You can change the load order by first sorting by it, then moving a Plugin either up or down. De volgorde van belasting van de plugin. U kunt de volgorde van de lading wijzigen door er eerst op te sorteren en vervolgens een plugin naar boven of beneden te verplaatsen.
No Plugins Found Geen plugins gevonden
Not Compatible, '%s' Niet compatible, %s
Plugin Error Plugin fout
New Version SNMP versie
Order Before Previous Plugin Bestellen voor vorige plug-in
Order After Next Plugin Bestellen na volgende plugin
Cacti Upgrade Required Cacti log leeggemaakt
Compatible Niet compatible
Load this Plugin from available Cacti Plugins
Load this Plugin from the available Cacti Plugins
Compatible, Loadable Niet compatible, %s
Upgrade this Plugin from the available Cacti Plugins
Compatible, Upgrade Niet compatible, %s
Downgrade this Plugin from the available Cacti Plugins
Compatible, Downgrade Bevestig Downgrade
Replace Plugin from the available Cacti Plugins
Compatible, Same Version Cacti versie
Upgrade Plugin from the available Cacti Plugins
Unable to Restore the Archive due to Plugin Dependencies not being met.
Not Compatible, Dependencies Niet compatible, %s
Unable to Load due to a bad Cacti version.
Not Compatible, Cacti Version Niet compatible, %s
View the Plugins ChangeLog
Not Loaded Niet vermeld
Load this Plugin from the archive
Downgrade this Plugin from the archive
Restore Plugin from the archive
Upgrade Plugin from the archive


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Dutch
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
plugins.php:1483 plugins.php:1492
String age
12 days ago
Source string age
12 days ago
Translation file
locales/po/nl-NL.po, string 4678