
English Latvian
If you wish to get the latest plguins versions directly from GitHub or GitLab enter the GitHub or GitLab API url here. The default is Change this only if you have your own repository that you maintain for Cacti Plugins.
GitHub User Account Lietotāja konta dati
The User account that holds your GitHub/GitLab repositories. Change this only if you have your own repository that you maintain for Cacti Plugins.
Personal Access Token Panākumi - Token
If you wish to get the latest plguins versions directly from GitHub without overly restricted rate limiting, enter your Personal Access Token here.
Enable Unsafe Plugin Installs Iespējot spraudni lokāli
If you would like to allow the installation of Cacti Plugins from their 'develop' branch, check this checkbox.
Packaging Defaults Pakotnes sīkāka informācija
Author Name Autors
The name of the author that you wish published with the Device Template or Package. Lietotāja vārds, kuru Cacti izmantos kā veidni jauniem lietotāju kontiem.
Author Email Address No e-pasta adreses
The Email address of the author that you wish published with the Device Template or Package.
Template/Package Copyright
The default copyright that you would like to use for your packaged Device Templates and Packages.
Site Security Vietnes drošība
Force Connections over HTTPS Piespiedu savienojumi, izmantojot HTTPS
When checked, any attempts to access Cacti will be redirected to HTTPS to ensure high security. Ja atzīmēta, visi mēģinājumi piekļūt Cacti tiks novirzīti uz HTTPS, lai nodrošinātu augstu drošību.
Content-Security Allow Unsafe JavaScript eval() calls Satura drošība Atļaut nedrošus JavaScript eval() zvanus
Certain Cacti plugins require the use of unsafe JavaScript eval() calls. If you select this option, they will be allowed in Cacti. Dažiem Cacti spraudņiem ir jāizmanto nedroši JavaScript eval() izsaukumi. Ja atlasīsit šo opciju, tie tiks atļauti kaktusos.
Content-Security Alternate Sources Satura drošības alternatīvie avoti
Space delimited domain names that will be permitted to be accessed outside of the Web Server itself. This is important for users choosing to use a CDN, or hosting site. Sources can includes wildcards for example: *, or a protocol, for example: https://* These Alternate Sources include Image, CSS and JavaScript types only. Ar atstarpi atdalīti domēnu nosaukumi, kuriem būs atļauts piekļūt ārpus paša Web servera. Tas ir svarīgi lietotājiem, kuri izvēlas izmantot CDN vai mitināšanas vietni. Avotos var būt aizstājējzīmes, piemēram: * vai protokols, piemēram: https://* Šie alternatīvie avoti ietver tikai attēlu, CSS un JavaScript veidus.
Remote Agent Attālā aģenta noildze
When using multiple Data Collectors, there are the Settings for Communicating between Data Collectors
TCP Port SMTP Ports
The TCP Port used for communicating with the Remote Data Collectors. The protocol will match the Central Cacti web server (either HTTP or HTTPS). Leave blank to use the default ports.
The amount of time, in seconds, that the Central Cacti web server will wait for a response from the Remote Data Collector to obtain various Device information before abandoning the request. On Devices that are associated with Data Collectors other than the Central Cacti Data Collector, the Remote Agent must be used to gather Device information. Laiks sekundēs, cik ilgi Central Cacti tīmekļa serveris gaidīs atbildi no attālā datu savācēja, lai iegūtu dažādu informāciju par ierīci, pirms atteiksies no pieprasījuma. Ierīcēs, kas ir saistītas ar datu savācējiem, kas nav centrālais kaktusu datu savācējs, ierīces informācijas apkopošanai ir jāizmanto attālais aģents.
Logging Level Žurnāla reģistrēšana
The Logging level for Automation activities. Levels are Low, Medium and High.
Force Serial Automation Scans
When enabled, Cacti Automation will scan one network at a time not in Parallel. This setting can be useful when your Cacti Web Servers have limited cores for performing Automation checks.
Enable Automatic Graph Creation Iespējot automātisko diagrammu izveidi
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 2595