
English Latvian
The Data Template that this Data Source was based upon. Datu veidne, uz kuras balstījās šis datu avots.
Damaged Data Source Name Bojāts datu avota nosaukums
No Data Sources Found Datu avoti nav atrasti
No Graphs Nav grafiku
Aggregates Agregāti
No Aggregates Nav agregātu
Change Profile Mainīt profilu
Field "%s" is missing an Output Field. Select the Output Field associated with this Data Source, and press Save again.
The Poller Cache operation has been launched in background for Data Template ID %d.
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Data Template. Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai dzēstu šo krāsu veidni
Click 'Continue' to Delete following Data Templates. Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai dzēstu šādu(-as) ierīces veidni(-es).
Delete Data Template Dzēst datu veidni(-es)
Delete Data Templates Dzēst datu veidni(-es)
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate the following Data Template. Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai dublētu šo vietni.
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following Data Templates. Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai dublētu šo vietni.
Duplicate Data Template Dublētas datu veidnes(-es)
Duplicate Data Templates Dublētas datu veidnes(-es)
Click 'Continue' to Change Profile the following Data Template. Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai dzēstu šādu(-as) ierīces veidni(-es).
Click 'Continue' to Change Profile following Data Templates. Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai dzēstu šādu(-as) ierīces veidni(-es).
Change Profile for Data Template Mainīt diagrammas veidni
Change Profile for Data Templates Mainīt diagrammas veidni
NOTE: This change only will affect future Data Sources and does not alter existing Data Sources. PIEZĪME. Šīs izmaiņas ietekmēs tikai turpmākos datu avotus un nemainīs esošos datu avotus.
New Data Source Profile Jauns datu avota profils
Update database for existing Data Sources?
WARNING: This change will not change either the step or the heartbeat of existing RRDfiles. After this change, a Rebuild Poller Cache operation will take place in background to update the data collection cycle for the impacted Data Sources. It is strongly suggested that you either delete all the impacted RRDfiles afterwards, or use the splice_rrd.php CLI script to preserve old data and repopulate the new RRDfiles with the legacy data. Otherwise, this change will have no on the data and may in fact lead to a loss of fidelity if you are increasing the time between data collection cycles.
Data Templates [edit: %s] Datu veidnes [rediģēt: %s]
Edit Data Input Method. Rediģēt datu ievades metodi.
Data Templates [new] Datu veidnes [jauna]
This field is always templated. Šis lauks vienmēr ir veidne.
Check this checkbox if you wish to allow the user to override the value on the right during Data Source creation. Atzīmējiet šo izvēles rūtiņu, ja vēlaties ļaut lietotājam datu avota izveides laikā ignorēt vērtību labajā pusē.
Data Templates in use can not be modified Izmantotās datu veidnes nevar mainīt


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 1077