
English Latvian
IP Addresses to Ignore IP adrese
Enter valid comma separated list command of IP Addresses from this range to ignore.
Comma delimited list of IP Addresses to not scan
Total IP Addresses Kopējās IP adreses
Total addressable IP Addresses in this Network Range. Kopējais adresējamo IP adrešu skaits šajā tīkla diapazonā.
Alternate DNS Servers Alternatīvie DNS serveri
A space delimited list of alternate DNS Servers to use for DNS resolution. If blank, the poller OS will be used to resolve DNS names. Alternatīvais DNS serveru saraksts ar atstarpi, ko izmantot DNS noteikšanai. Ja lauku atstāsiet tukšus, DNS nosaukumu noteikšanai tiks izmantota aptaujātaja (poller) operētājsistēmas iestatījumi.
Enter IPs or FQDNs of DNS Servers Ievadiet DNS serveru IP vai FQDN
Discovery Threads Atklāšanas pavedieni
Define the number of threads to use for discovering this Network Range. Definējiet pavedienu skaitu, kas jāizmanto šī tīkla diapazona noteikšanai.
%d Thread %d pavediens
%d Threads %d pavedieni
Run Limit Izpildes ierobežojums
After the selected Run Limit, the discovery process will be terminated. Pēc atlasītā izpildes ierobežojuma noteikšanas process tiks pārtraukts.
%d Minute %d minūte
%d Minutes %d minūtes
%d Hour %d stunda
%d Hours %d stundas
Enable this Network Range. Iespējot šo tīkla diapazonu.
Enable NetBIOS Iespējot NetBIOS
Use NetBIOS to attempt to resolve the hostname of up hosts. Izmantojiet NetBIOS, lai mēģinātu atrisināt augšējo saimniekdatoru resursdatora nosaukumu.
Automatically Add to Cacti Automātiski pievienot kaktusiem
For any newly discovered Devices that are reachable using SNMP and who match a Device Rule, add them to Cacti. Ikvienu jaunatklātu ierīci, kura ir sasniedzama, izmantojot SNMP, un kura atbilst ierīces kārtulai, pievienot Cacti.
Allow same sysName on different hosts Atļaut vienu un to pašu sysName dažādos saimniekdatoros
When discovering devices, allow duplicate sysnames to be added on different hosts Atklājot ierīces, ļaujiet dažādiem resursdatoriem pievienot dublētus sistēmu nosaukumus
Rerun Data Queries Atkārtoti palaist datu vaicājumus
If a device previously added to Cacti is found, rerun its data queries. Ja atrod ierīci, kas iepriekš bijusi pievienota Cacti, atkārtoti palaidiet tās datu vaicājumus.
Discovery Timing Atklāšanas laiks
Schedule Type Izpildes saraksta tips
Define the collection frequency. Definējiet savākšanas biežumu.
Starting Date/Time Sākuma datums/laiks
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/hmib
Propagated Translated Cacti/wmi
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
Propagated Translated Cacti/mikrotik
Propagated Translated Cacti/webseer
Propagated Translated Cacti/gexport
The following strings have different sources, but the same context.
Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
Translated Cacti/core


User avatar Coool

Translation changed

Cacti / coreLatvian

2 years ago
User avatar Coool

New translation

Cacti / coreLatvian

2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
automation_networks.php:829 automation_networks.php:830 automation_networks.php:831 automation_networks.php:832 automation_networks.php:1547 automation_networks.php:1548 data_sources.php:1227 include/global_arrays.php:741 include/global_arrays.php:742 include/global_arrays.php:743 include/global_arrays.php:744 include/global_arrays.php:781 include/global_arrays.php:782 include/global_arrays.php:784 include/global_arrays.php:785 include/global_arrays.php:786 include/global_arrays.php:787 include/global_arrays.php:788 include/global_arrays.php:789 include/global_arrays.php:1343 include/global_arrays.php:1344 include/global_arrays.php:1722 include/global_arrays.php:1726 include/global_arrays.php:1734 include/global_arrays.php:1735 include/global_arrays.php:1759 include/global_arrays.php:1760 include/global_arrays.php:1761 include/global_arrays.php:1762 include/global_arrays.php:1763 include/global_arrays.php:1776 include/global_settings.php:1835 include/global_settings.php:1836 include/global_settings.php:1837 include/global_settings.php:1838 include/global_settings.php:1839 include/global_settings.php:1854 include/global_settings.php:1855 include/global_settings.php:1856 include/global_settings.php:1857 include/global_settings.php:2056 include/global_settings.php:2057 include/global_settings.php:2058 include/global_settings.php:2059 include/global_settings.php:2959 include/global_settings.php:3218 include/global_settings.php:3219 include/global_settings.php:3220 pollers.php:976 pollers.php:977
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 391