The translation has come to an end.


English Spanish
The name of this Data Source. Generally programmatically generated from the Data Template definition. El nombre de esta Data Source. Generalmente generado automáticamente a partir de las definiciones de la Plantilla de datos.
The internal database ID for this Data Source. Useful when performing automation or debugging. El ID interno de base de datos para este Data Source. Util cuando se realiza automatización o depuración.
The number of Graphs and Aggregate Graphs that are using the Data Source. El número de plantillas de gráficos usando esta consulta de datos.
The frequency that data is collected for this Data Source. La frecuencia con la que los datos son recolectados para este Data Source.
If this Data Source is no long in use by Graphs, it can be Deleted. Si este Data Source no está en uso por gráficos, puede ser eliminado.
Whether or not data will be collected for this Data Source. Controlled at the Data Template level. Si se recolectarán o no datos para este Data Source. Controlado a nivel de la Plantilla de datos.
The Data Template that this Data Source was based upon. La plantilla de datos en la que este Data Source está basado.
Damaged Data Source Name Nombre de Data Source
No Data Sources Found No se encontraron Data Sources
No Graphs Sin gráficos
Aggregates Aggregates
No Aggregates Aggregates
Change Profile Cambiar perfil
Field "%s" is missing an Output Field. Select the Output Field associated with this Data Source, and press Save again.
The Poller Cache operation has been launched in background for Data Template ID %d.
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Data Template. Haga click en 'Continuar' para eliminar la siguiente plantilla de color
Click 'Continue' to Delete following Data Templates. Haga click en 'Continuar' para eliminar la(s) siguiente(s) Plantilla(s) de dispositivo.
Delete Data Template Eliminar Plantilla(s) de datos
Delete Data Templates Eliminar Plantilla(s) de datos
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate the following Data Template. Haga click en 'Continuar' para eliminar el siguiente arbol.
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following Data Templates. Haga click en 'Continuar' para eliminar el siguiente arbol.
Duplicate Data Template Duplicar Plantilla(s) de datos
Duplicate Data Templates Duplicar Plantilla(s) de datos
Click 'Continue' to Change Profile the following Data Template. Haga click en 'Continuar' para eliminar la(s) siguiente(s) Plantilla(s) de dispositivo.
Click 'Continue' to Change Profile following Data Templates. Haga click en 'Continuar' para eliminar la(s) siguiente(s) Plantilla(s) de dispositivo.
Change Profile for Data Template Cambiar Plantilla de gráfico
Change Profile for Data Templates Cambiar Plantilla de gráfico
NOTE: This change only will affect future Data Sources and does not alter existing Data Sources. NOTA: este cambio solo afectará a futuros Data Sources y no altera Data Sources existentes.
New Data Source Profile Nuevo perfil de Data Source
Update database for existing Data Sources?
WARNING: This change will not change either the step or the heartbeat of existing RRDfiles. After this change, a Rebuild Poller Cache operation will take place in background to update the data collection cycle for the impacted Data Sources. It is strongly suggested that you either delete all the impacted RRDfiles afterwards, or use the splice_rrd.php CLI script to preserve old data and repopulate the new RRDfiles with the legacy data. Otherwise, this change will have no on the data and may in fact lead to a loss of fidelity if you are increasing the time between data collection cycles.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

Mismatched full stop

Source and translation do not both end with a full stop



English Spanish
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/es-ES.po, string 1071