
English Chinese (Traditional)
The Status of the Data Source Debug Check. 數據源調試檢查的狀態。
Writable 可寫入
Determines if the Data Collector or the Web Site have Write access. 確定Data Collector或Web站點是否具有寫訪問權限。
Exists 存在
Determines if the Data Source is located in the Poller Cache. 確定數據源是否位於輪詢器高速緩存中。
Active 啟用
Determines if the Data Source is Enabled. 確定數據源是否已啟用。
RRD Match RRD匹配
Determines if the RRDfile matches the Data Source Template. 確定RRDfile是否與數據源模板匹配。
Valid Data 有效數據
Determines if the RRDfile has been getting good recent Data. 確定RRDfile是否已獲得良好的最新數據。
RRD Updated RRD更新
Determines if the RRDfile has been written to properly. 確定RRDfile是否已正確寫入。
Issues 您正在運行的以下 add-ons 版本尚未使用 Gravity 表單 %s 進行測試。請在更新 Gravity 表單之前更新或確認相容性,否則可能會遇到問題:
Summary of issues found for the Data Source. 發現數據源的任何摘要問題。
Data Sources 數據源
Not Debugging 調試
No Checks 沒有檢查
Not Found 未找到
Not Checked Yet 沒有檢查
Issues found! Waiting on RRDfile update 發現了問題!等待RRDfile更新
No Initial found! Waiting on RRDfile update 沒有找到初始!等待RRDfile更新
Waiting on analysis and RRDfile update RRD文件是否已更新?
RRDfile Owner RRDfile所有者
Website runs as 網站運行為
Poller runs as Poller像
Is RRA Folder writeable by poller? RRA文件夾是否可由poller寫入?
Is RRDfile writeable by poller? RRD文件是否可由poller寫入?
Does the RRDfile Exist? RRD文件是否存在?
Is the Data Source set as Active? 數據源是否設置為活動?
Did the poller receive valid data? 輪詢器是否收到有效數據?
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/maint
Propagated Translated Cacti/reportit
Propagated Translated Cacti/intropage
Propagated Translated Cacti/core
Propagated Translated Cacti/thold


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 604