The translation has come to an end.


English Chinese (Traditional)
Display Order 顯示順序
Log [Total Lines: %d - Non-Matching Items Hidden] 記錄[總行數:%d - 隱藏不匹配項目]
Log [Total Lines: %d - All Items Shown] 記錄[總行數:%d - 顯示的所有項目]
Clear Cacti Log 清除仙人掌日誌
Cacti Log Cleared Cacti Log清除
Error: Unable to clear log, no write permissions. 錯誤:無法清除日誌,沒有寫入權限。
Error: Unable to clear log, file does not exist. 錯誤:無法清除日誌,文件不存在。
Data Query Cache Items 數據查詢緩存項
Query Name 查詢名稱
Allow the search term to include the index column 允許搜索詞包含索引列
Include Index 包括索引
Field Value [计]字段值
Index 索引
Poller Cache Items 輪詢緩存項目
Script 腳本
SNMP Version: SNMP版本:
Community: 社群
User: 使用者:
Script: 腳本
Script Server: 腳本服務器:
Cacti technical support page. Used by developers and technical support persons to assist with issues in Cacti. Includes checks for common configuration issues. 仙人掌技術支持頁面。開發人員和技術支持人員使用它來協助Cacti中的問題。包括對常見配置問題的檢查。
The Cacti Log stores statistic, error and other message depending on system settings. This information can be used to identify problems with the poller and application. Cacti Log根據系統設置存儲統計信息,錯誤和其他消息。此信息可用於識別輪詢器和應用程序的問題。
Allows Administrators to browse the user log. Administrators can filter and export the log as well. 允許管理員瀏覽用戶日誌。管理員也可以過濾和導出日誌。
Poller Cache Administration 輪詢緩存管理
This is the data that is being passed to the poller each time it runs. This data is then in turn executed/interpreted and the results are fed into the RRDfiles for graphing or the database for display. 這是每次運行時傳遞給輪詢器的數據。然後依次執行/解釋該數據,並將結果輸入RRD文件以供圖形化或數據庫顯示。
The Data Query Cache stores information gathered from Data Query input types. The values from these fields can be used in the text area of Graphs for Legends, Vertical Labels, and GPRINTS as well as in CDEF's. 數據查詢緩存存儲從數據查詢輸入類型收集的信息。這些字段中的值可用於圖表圖例,垂直標籤和GPRINTS以及CDEF中。
Rebuild Poller Cache 重建輪詢器緩存
The Poller Cache will be re-generated if you select this option. Use this option only in the event of a database crash if you are experiencing issues after the crash and have already run the database repair tools. Alternatively, if you are having problems with a specific Device, simply re-save that Device to rebuild its Poller Cache. There is also a command line interface equivalent to this command that is recommended for large systems. 如果選擇此選項,將重新生成輪詢器緩存。如果在崩潰後遇到問題並且已經運行數據庫修復工具,則僅在發生數據庫崩潰時使用此選項。或者,如果您遇到特定設備的問題,只需重新保存該設備即可重建其輪詢器緩存。還有一個與此命令等效的命令行界面,建議用於大型系統。 <i class="deviceDown">注意:在大型系統上,此命令可能需要幾分鐘到幾小時才能完成,因此不應從Cacti UI運行。您可以在命令行中運行&#39;php -q cli / rebuild_poller_cache.php --help&#39;以獲取更多信息。</i>
NOTE: On large systems, this command may take several minutes to hours to complete and therefore should not be run from the Cacti UI. You can simply run 'php -q cli/rebuild_poller_cache.php --help' at the command line for more information.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
utilities.php:2219 utilities.php:2224
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 4444