
English Chinese (Traditional)
To be able continue, you <b>MUST</b> create a new database, import "cacti.sql" into it: 為了能夠繼續,你<b>必須</b>創建一個新的數據庫,導入“cacti.sql”:
You <b>MUST</b> then update "include/config.php" to point to the new database. 然後,您<b>必須</b>更新“include / config.php”以指向新數據庫。
NOTE: Your existing data will not be modified, nor will it or any history be available to the new install 注意:您的現有數據不會被修改,新安裝也不會修改它或任何歷史記錄
You have created a new database, but have not yet imported the 'cacti.sql' file. At the command line, execute the following to continue: 您已創建新數據庫,但尚未導入&#39;cacti.sql&#39;文件。在命令行中,執行以下命令以繼續:
This error may also be generated if the cacti database user does not have correct permissions on the Cacti database. Please ensure that the Cacti database user has the ability to SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, INDEX on the Cacti database. 如果cacti數據庫用戶對Cacti數據庫沒有正確的權限,也可能會生成此錯誤。請確保Cacti數據庫用戶能夠在Cacti數據庫上進行SELECT,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE,CREATE,ALTER,DROP,INDEX。
You <b>MUST</b> also import MySQL TimeZone information into MySQL and grant the Cacti user SELECT access to the mysql.time_zone_name table 您還<b>必須</b>將MySQL TimeZone信息導入MySQL並授予Cacti用戶SELECT訪問mysql.time_zone_name表的權限
On Linux/UNIX, run the following as 'root' in a shell: 在Linux / UNIX上,在shell中以“root”身份運行以下命令:
On Windows, you must follow the instructions here <a target='_blank' href=''>Time zone description table</a>. Once that is complete, you can issue the following command to grant the Cacti user access to the tables: 在Windows上,您必須按照此處的說明進行<a target='_blank' href=''>時區說明表</a> 。完成後,您可以發出以下命令以授予Cacti用戶對錶的訪問權限:
Then run the following within MySQL as an administrator: 然後在MySQL中以管理員身份運行以下命令:
Test Connection 測試連結
Begin 開始
Upgrade 升級
Downgrade 降級
Cacti Version 仙人掌版
License Agreement 使用授權協議
This version of Cacti (%s) does not appear to have a valid version code, please contact the Cacti Development Team to ensure this is corrected. If you are seeing this error in a release, please raise a report immediately on GitHub 此版本的Cacti(%s)似乎沒有有效的版本代碼,請聯繫Cacti開發團隊以確保其受到管理。如果您在發布中看到此錯誤,請立即在GitHub上提交報告
Thanks for taking the time to download and install Cacti, the complete graphing solution for your network. Before you can start making cool graphs, there are a few pieces of data that Cacti needs to know. 感謝您抽出寶貴時間下載並安裝Cacti,這是您網絡的完整圖形解決方案。在開始製作酷圖之前,Cacti需要了解一些數據。
Make sure you have read and followed the required steps needed to install Cacti before continuing. Install information can be found for <a href="%s">Unix</a> and <a href="%s">Win32</a>-based operating systems. 確保您已閱讀並遵循安裝Cacti所需的步驟,然後再繼續。可以在基於<a href="%1$s">Unix</a>和<a href="%2$s">Win32</a>的操作系統中找到安裝信息。
This process will guide you through the steps for upgrading from version '%s'. 此過程將指導您完成從版本&#39;%s&#39;升級的步驟。
Also, if this is an upgrade, be sure to read the <a href="%s">Upgrade</a> information file. 此外,如果這是升級,請務必閱讀<a href="%s">升級</a>信息文件。
It is NOT recommended to downgrade as the database structure may be inconsistent 不建議降級,因為數據庫結構可能不一致
Cacti is licensed under the GNU General Public License, you must agree to its provisions before continuing: Cacti根據GNU通用公共許可證獲得許可,您必須在繼續之前同意其條款:
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. 本程序的發布是希望它有用,但沒有任何擔保;甚至沒有適銷性或特定用途適用性的暗示保證。有關更多詳細信息,請參閱GNU通用公共許可證。
Accept GPL License Agreement 接受GPL許可協議
Select default theme: 選擇默認主題:
Pre-installation Checks 安裝前檢查
Location checks 位置檢查
ERROR: 錯誤:
Please update config.php with the correct relative URI location of Cacti (url_path). 請使用Cacti(url_path)的正確相對URI位置更新config.php。
Your Cacti configuration has the relative correct path (url_path) in config.php. 您的Cacti配置在config.php中具有相對正確的路徑(url_path)。
PHP - Recommendations (%s) PHP - 推薦
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core


User avatar None

Source string changed

Cacti / core (v1.2.x)Chinese (Traditional)

2 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

PHP format

Following format strings are missing: %s



English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 3398