
English Chinese (Traditional)
Found %s Local Data ID's to Verify 找到要轉換的%s表
Index Change Detected! CurrentIndex: %s, PreviousIndex: %s 檢測到索引更改! CurrentIndex:%s,PreviousIndex:%s
Transient Index Removal Detected! PreviousIndex: %s. No action taken. 檢測到索引刪除! PreviousIndex:%s
Index Removal Detected! PreviousIndex: %s 檢測到索引刪除! PreviousIndex:%s
Verification of %s Local Data ID's Complete 與本地數據的索引關聯完成
Found Changed %s and %s Orphaned Local Data ID's to Re-map. 找到已更改的%s和%s孤立的本地數據ID以重新映射。
Done remapping Graphs to their new Indexes 將圖表重新映射到新索引
Done updating Data Source Title Cache 重複的數據源配置文件
Done updating Graph Title Cache 完成更新圖標題緩存
Index Association with Local Data complete 與本地數據的索引關聯完成
Update Re-Index Cache complete. There were %s index changes, and %s orphaned indexes. 更新重新索引緩存完成。曾經有
Update Poller Cache for Query complete 更新輪詢器緩存以查詢完成
No Index Changes Detected, Skipping Re-Index and Poller Cache Re-population 未檢測到索引更改,跳過重新索引和輪詢器緩存重新填充
Automation Executing for Data Query complete 自動化執行數據查詢完成
Plugin hooks complete 插件掛鉤完成
Checking for Sort Field change. No changes detected. 檢查排序字段更改。未檢測到任何更改
Detected New Sort Field: '%s' Old Sort Field '%s' 檢測到新的排序字段:'%s'舊排序字段'%s'
ERROR: New Sort Field not suitable. Sort Field will not change. 錯誤:新的排序字段不適合。排序字段不會更改。
New Sort Field validated. Sort Field be updated. 新的排序字段已驗證。排序字段將更新。
Could not find data query XML file at '%s' 無法在'%s'找到數據查詢XML文件
Found data query XML file at '%s' 在'%s'找到數據查詢XML文件
Error parsing XML file into an array. 將XML文件解析為數組時出錯。
XML file parsed ok. XML文件解析好了。
Invalid field <index_order>%s</index_order> 字段<index_order>%s </ index_order>無效
Must contain <direction>input</direction> or <direction>input-output</direction> fields only 必須僅包含<direction>輸入</ direction>或<direction>輸入輸出</ direction>字段
Data Query returned no indexes. 錯誤:數據查詢未返回任何索引。
<arg_num_indexes> exists in XML file but no data returned., 'Index Count Changed' not supported XML文件中缺少<arg_num_indexes>,不支持“索引計數已更改”
Executing script for num of indexes '%s' 執行num'索引'%s'的腳本
Found number of indexes: %s 找到索引數:%s
<arg_num_indexes> missing in XML file, 'Index Count Changed' not supported XML文件中缺少<arg_num_indexes>,不支持“索引計數已更改”
<arg_num_indexes> missing in XML file, 'Index Count Changed' emulated by counting arg_index entries XML文件中缺少<arg_num_indexes>,通過計算arg_index條目模擬“索引計數已更改”
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

Mismatched full stop

Source and translation do not both end with a full stop



English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 2925