
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
Calculation Formula 计算公式
Max Connection Memory Possible 最大连接内存
Reduce Total Client Memory 减少客户端总内存
PHP Information PHP的信息
PHP Version PHP 版本
PHP Version 5.5.0+ is recommended due to strong password hashing support. 由于强大的密码散列支持,建议使用PHP版本5.5.0以上的版本.
PHP uname PHP 未命名
Installed. <span class="deviceDown">Note: If you are planning on using SNMPv3, you must remove php-snmp and use the Net-SNMP toolset.</span> 已安装。 <span class="deviceDown">注意:如果您打算使用SNMPv3,则必须删除php-snmp并使用Net-SNMP工具集。</span>
You've set memory limit to 'unlimited'. 您已将内存限制设置为 'unlimited'.
It is highly suggested that you alter you php.ini memory_limit to %s or higher. 强烈建议您将 php.ini 的 memory_limit 改为 %s 或更高.
This suggested memory value is calculated based on the number of data source present and is only to be used as a suggestion, actual values may vary system to system based on requirements. 这个建议的内存值是根据数据源的数量来计算的,只是作为一个建议,根据需要,实际值可能会随系统的不同而不同.
Variable Name 变量名
MySQL Table Information - Sizes in KBytes MySQL表信息 - 以KB为单位的大小
Avg Row Length 平均行长度
Data Length 数据长度
Index Length 索引长度
Comment 评论
Unable to retrieve table status 无法检索表格状态
PHP Module Information PHP的模块信息
User Login History 用户登录历史
Deleted/Invalid 已删除/无效
Result 结果
Success - Password 成功 - Pswd
Success - Token 成功 - 令牌
Success - Password Change 成功 - Pswd
Attempts 尝试
Button: use filter settings Go 运行
Button: reset filter settings Clear 清除
Button: delete all table entries Purge 清空
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 4409