The translation has come to an end.


English Chinese (Simplified)
Enter the secondary DNS IP Address to utilize for reverse lookups. 输入备DNS IP 地址以用于反向查询.
DNS Timeout DNS 超时
Please enter the DNS timeout in milliseconds. Cacti uses a PHP based DNS resolver. 请输入以毫秒为单位的DNS 超时. Cacti 使用基于PHP 的DNS 解析器.
On-demand RRD Update Settings RRD 按需更新设置
Enable On-demand RRD Updating 开启RRD 按需更新
Should Boost enable on demand RRD updating in Cacti? If you disable, this change will not take affect until after the next polling cycle. When you have Remote Data Collectors, this settings is required to be on. 是否应该在Cacti 中开启RRD 按需更新? 如果关闭,则此更改将在下一个采集周期之后生效.如果有远程数据采集器,则必须开启此设置.
System Level RRD Updater 系统级RRD 更新程序
Before RRD On-demand Update Can be Cleared, a poller run must always pass 在RRD 按需更新可以清除之前,必须始终通过poller 运行
How Often Should Boost Update All RRDs Boost 更新RRD 文件的频率
When you enable boost, your RRD files are only updated when they are requested by a user, or when this time period elapses. 开启boost 时,只有在用户请求或者经过了这段时间后,才会更新RRD 文件.
Number of Boost Processes Boost 进程数
The number of concurrent boost processes to use to use to process all of the RRDs in the boost table. 用于处理boost 表中所有RRD 的并发boost 进程数.
Maximum Records 最大记录
If the boost output table exceeds this size, in records, an update will take place. 如果Boost 输出表超出此大小,则记录中将进行更新.
Maximum Data Source Items Per Pass 每次通过的最大数据源项目数
To optimize performance, the boost RRD updater needs to know how many Data Source Items should be retrieved in one pass. Please be careful not to set too high as graphing performance during major updates can be compromised. If you encounter graphing or polling slowness during updates, lower this number. The default value is 50000. 为了优化性能,boost RRD 更新程序需要知道,在一次传递中应该检索多少个数据源项目.请注意不要设置太高,因为在重大更新期间的图形性能可能会受到影响.如果您在更新期间遇到图形或采集迟缓,请降低此数字. 默认值是50000.
Maximum Argument Length 最大参数长度
When boost sends update commands to RRDtool, it must not exceed the operating systems Maximum Argument Length. This varies by operating system and kernel level. For example: Windows 2000 <= 2048, FreeBSD <= 65535, Linux 2.6.22-- <= 131072, Linux 2.6.23++ unlimited 当boost 向RRDtool 发送更新命令时,它不能超过操作系统的Maximum Argument Length. 这取决于操作系统和内核级别. 例如:Windows 2000 <= 2048,FreeBSD <= 65535,Linux 2.6.22-- <= 131072,Linux 2.6.23 ++ unlimited
Memory Limit for Boost and Poller Boost 和poller 的内存限制
The maximum amount of memory for the Cacti Poller and Boosts Poller Cacti Poller 和Boost Poller 的最大内存
Maximum RRD Update Script Run Time RRD 更新脚本最长运行时间
If the boost poller exceeds this runtime, a warning will be placed in the cacti log, 如果boost poller删除了此运行时间,则会在Cacti 日志中发出警告,
Enable direct population of poller_output_boost table 开启poller_output_boost 表的直接填充
Enables direct insert of records into poller output boost with results in a 25% time reduction in each poll cycle. 允许将记录直接插入到poller 输出Boost 中,从而使每个采集周期的时间缩短25%.
Boost Debug Log Boost 调试日志
If this field is non-blank, Boost will log RRDUpdate output from the boost poller process. 如果此字段不是空白,则Boost 将记录Boost poller 进程的RRDupdate 输出.
Image Caching 图像缓存
Enable Image Caching 开启图像缓存
Should image caching be enabled? 是否开启图像缓存?
Location for Image Files 图像文件的位置
Specify the location where Boost should place your image files. These files will be automatically purged by the poller when they expire. 指定Boost 存放图像文件的位置. 这些文件在到期时将被poller 自动清空.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String information

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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 2585