
English Chinese (Simplified)
Action[%s] 操作[%s]
No items to poll 没有项目可采集
Name: 名称:
Procs: 1个进程:
Threads: 线程:
Concurrent Processes 并发进程
Max Threads 最大线程
PHP Servers PHP服务器
Main Server: Current: %s, Min Required: %s 当前:%s,最低要求:%s
Local Server: Current: %s, Min Required: %s 当前:%s,最低要求:%s
Minimum Connections: 测试连接:
Assumes 100 spare connections for Web page users and other various connections. 为网页用户和其他各种连接假设 100 个备用连接。
The minimum required can vary greatly if there is heavy user Graph viewing activity. 如果有大量用户图表查看活动,所需的最低限度可能会有很大差异。
Each browser tab can use upto 10 connections depending on the browser. 每个浏览器选项卡最多可以使用 10 个连接,具体取决于浏览器。
Script Timeout 脚本超时
Max OID 最大 OID
Last Run Statistics 上次运行统计
System Memory 系统内存
%s GB %s GBytes
MySQL/MariaDB Memory Statistics (Source: MySQL Tuner) MySQL/MariaDB 内存统计(来源:MySQL Tuner)
Max Total Memory Possible poller 允许使用的的最大内存
Reduce MySQL/MariaDB Memory to less than 80% of System Memory. Preserve additional Cache Memory for RRDfiles if the Database is on the same system as the RRDfiles. See Core and Client Totals below for explanation of calculation method. 将 MySQL/MariaDB 内存减少到小于 80% of 系统内存。 如果数据库与 RRDfiles 位于同一系统上,请为 RRDfiles 保留额外的缓存内存。 有关计算方法的说明,请参阅下面的核心和客户端总计。
Max Core Memory Possible poller 允许使用的的最大内存
Reduce Total Core Memory 减少总核心内存
Calculation Formula 计算公式
Max Connection Memory Possible 最大连接内存
Reduce Total Client Memory 减少客户端总内存
PHP Information PHP的信息
PHP Version PHP 版本
PHP Version 5.5.0+ is recommended due to strong password hashing support. 由于强大的密码散列支持,建议使用PHP版本5.5.0以上的版本.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core


User avatar tql

Translation changed

Cacti / core (v1.2.x)Chinese (Simplified)

8 months ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 4385