The translation has come to an end.


English Latvian
Ping Ping
Ping and SNMP Uptime Ping un SNMP darbības laiks
SNMP Uptime SNMP darbības laiks
Ping or SNMP Uptime Ping vai SNMP darbības laiks
SNMP Desc SNMP apraksts
SNMP GetNext SNMP GetNext
Delete Item from Device Dzēst elementu no ierīces veidnes
Undefined Nav noteikts
Site Atrašanās vieta
Export Devices Eksportēt ierīces
Not Up Nedarbojas
Recovering Atgūstas
Unknown Nezināms
Device Description Ierīces apraksts
The name by which this Device will be referred to. Nosaukums, ar kādu šī Ierīce tiks apzīmēta.
Hostname Resursdatora nosaukums
Either an IP address, or hostname. If a hostname, it must be resolvable by either DNS, or from your hosts file. Vai nu IP adrese, vai resursdatora nosaukums. Ja resursdatora nosaukums, tam ir jābūt atrisināmam ar DNS vai no jūsu saimniekdatora faila.
The internal database ID for this Device. Useful when performing automation or debugging. Šīs ierīces iekšējās datu bāzes ID. Noderīgs, veicot automatizāciju vai atkļūdošanu.
The total number of Graphs generated from this Device. Kopējais no šīs ierīces ģenerēto grafiku skaits.
The total number of Data Sources generated from this Device. Kopējais datu avotu skaits, kas ģenerēti no šīs ierīces.
The monitoring status of the Device based upon ping results. If this Device is a special type Device, by using the hostname "localhost", or due to the setting to not perform an Availability Check, it will always remain Up. When using cmd.php data collector, a Device with no Graphs, is not pinged by the data collector and will remain in an "Unknown" state. Ierīces uzraudzības statuss, pamatojoties uz ping rezultātiem. Ja šī ierīce ir īpaša tipa ierīce, izmantojot resursdatora nosaukumu “localhost” vai iestatījuma dēļ neveikt pieejamības pārbaudi, tā vienmēr paliks Up. Lietojot cmd.php datu apkopotāju, datu savācējs nepiesaista ierīci bez diagrammām, un tā paliks stāvoklī "Nezināms".
In State Valstī
The amount of time that this Device has been in its current state. Laiks, cik ilgi šī ierīce ir atradusies pašreizējā stāvoklī.
The current amount of time that the host has been up. Pašreizējais saimniekdatora darbības laiks.
Poll Time Aptaujas laiks
The amount of time it takes to collect data from this Device. Laiks, kas nepieciešams datu ievākšanai no šīs ierīces.
Current (ms) Pašreizējais (ms)
The current ping time in milliseconds to reach the Device. Pašreizējais ehotestēšanas laiks milisekundēs, lai sasniegtu ierīci.
Average (ms) Vidējais (ms)
The average ping time in milliseconds to reach the Device since the counters were cleared for this Device. Vidējais ehotestēšanas laiks milisekundēs, lai sasniegtu ierīci, kopš šīs ierīces skaitītāji ir notīrīti.
Availability Pieejamība
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/hmib
Propagated Translated Cacti/core
Propagated Translated Cacti/monitor
Propagated Translated Cacti/webseer
Propagated Translated Cacti/servcheck
Propagated Translated Cacti/mikrotik
Propagated Translated Cacti/maint


User avatar Coool

Translation changed

Cacti / core (v1.2.x)Latvian

2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 1176