
English Chinese (Traditional)
Console Menu 控制台菜單
Bottom of Console Page 控制台頁面的底部
Top of Console Page 控制台頁面頂部
Where should this page appear? 該頁面應該出現在哪裡?
Console Menu Section 控制台菜單部分
Under which Console heading should this item appear? (All External Link menus will appear between Configuration and Utilities) 該項目應出現在哪個控制台標題下? (所有外部鏈接菜單將出現在配置和實用程序之間)
New Console Section 新控制台部分
If you don't like any of the choices above, type a new title in here. 如果您不喜歡上述任何選項,請在此處鍵入新標題。
Tab/Menu Name 標籤/菜單名稱
The text that will appear in the tab or menu. 將出現在選項卡或菜單中的文本。
Content File/URL 內容文件/ URL
Web URL Below 網址在下面
The file that contains the content for this page. This file needs to be in the Cacti 'include/content/' directory. 包含此頁面內容的文件。該文件需要位於Cacti的“include / content /”目錄中。
Web URL Location 網址位置
The valid URL to use for this external link. Must include the type, for example Note that many websites do not allow them to be embedded in an iframe from a foreign site, and therefore External Linking may not work. 用於此外部鏈接的有效URL。必須包含類型,例如。請注意,許多網站不允許將它們嵌入到外部網站的iframe中,因此外部鏈接可能無法正常工作。
If checked, the page will be available immediately to the admin user. 如果選中,該頁面將立即可供管理員用戶使用。
Automatic Page Refresh 自動頁面刷新
How often do you wish this page to be refreshed automatically. 您希望自動刷新此頁面的頻率。
External Links [edit: %s] 外部鏈接[編輯:%s]
External Links [new] 外部鏈接[新]
a Session Timeout 已逾時
an Account Suspension 賬戶選項
a change in state of the Remote Data Collector 此數據收集器的狀態。
Automatic Logout 自動註銷
Logout of Cacti 退出仙人掌
You have been logged out of Cacti due to %s. 由於會話超時,您已退出Cacti。
Please close your browser or %sLogin Again%s 請關閉瀏覽器或%s登錄再次%s
Cookies have been cleared 您的所有登錄會話都已清除。
Notifications 通知
SNMP Notification Receivers SNMP通知接收器
Receivers 寄送群組
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 4162