English Chinese (Traditional)
List of selected report templates: 所選模板列表:
Title: 標題
<template_title> (1) <template_title> (1)
Click 'Continue' to Export the following Report Templates 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下報告模板
You must select at least one Report Template. 您必須至少選擇一個報告模板。
Delete Report Templates 刪除報告模板
Duplicate Report Templates 重複的報告模板
Export Report Templates 導出報告模板
Variables [Template: <a class='linkEditMain' href='templates.php?action=template_edit&id= 變量[Template:<a class ='linkEditMain'href ='templates.php?action = template_edit&id =
No Variables Found 變數
Maximum has to be greater than minimum. 最大值必須大於最小值。
Default value is out of values range. 默認值超出值範圍。
Variable Configuration [edit: %s] 變量配置[編輯:%s]
Variable Configuration [new] 變量配置[新]
Internal name 內部名稱
A unique identifier which will be created by ReportIt itself. Use this ID within the definition of your calculation formulas to include that value the report user has defined individually for it. 由ReportIt本身創建的唯一標識符。在您的計算公式的定義中使用此ID,以包括報表用戶為其單獨定義的值。
A name like "Threshold" for example which should be used as a headline within the report config. 例如,“ Threshold”之類的名稱應在報告配置中用作標題。
A short, pithy description that explains the sense of this variable. 簡短而生動的描述,解釋了此變量的含義。
Your description 描述
Defines the upper limit of this variable. 定義此變量的上限。