English Chinese (Simplified)
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Reports: 点击“继续”以删除以下报告:
Click 'Continue' to duplicate the following Report configurations. You may also change the title format during this operation. 单击 'Continue' 以复制以下报表配置。 您还可以在此操作期间更改标题格式。
Title Format: 标题格式:
<report_title> (1) <report_title> (1)
You must select at least one unlocked, not running, report. 您必须至少选择一个未锁定、未运行的报表。
Weekdays: 工作日:
Shifttime: 班次时间:
You must select at least one Report. 您必须至少选择一个报告.
(Edit) (编辑)
Actions 操作
Data Items 数据项
Report Templates 报表模版
Import 导入
Report Calculation 报告计算
Public Reports 公共报告
Show Report 显示报告
Export Report 导出报告
Public Report Charts 公共报告图表
Bar Chart 条形图
Pie Chart 饼图