English Chinese (Simplified)
Report has been locked 报告已被锁定
Not Authorized 未经授权
Report Configuration (%s) %s 报告配置(%s)%s
Action 启动
No recipients found 没有找到收件人
Data Source Name 数据源名称
Associated 关联的
Subhead 副标题
Shifttime (From - To) Shifttime (从 - 到)
Weekdays (From - To) 工作日(从 - 到)
Show All 显示所有
Does not exist anymore 不再存在
Not Included in Report 不包括在报告中
Select 选择
No data items found 未找到数据项
Email address of a recipient (or comma separated list) 收件人的电子邮件地址(或逗号分隔的列表)
[OPTIONAL] Name of a recipient (or comma separated list of names) [可选]收件人的姓名(或逗号分隔的姓名列表)
Subhead (optional) 副标题 (可选)
Select the time zone your following shifttime information will be based on. 选择您的后续 shifttime 信息所基于的时区。
Click 'Continue' to Run the following Report: 点击“继续”以删除以下报告: