English Chinese (Simplified)
Prefixes 前缀
Formula 公式
Measurand: %s 测量范围:%s
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New Report 新报告
There are no unlocked and enabled report templates available (%s locked or disabled). 没有可用的未锁定和已启用的报告模板(%s已锁定或已禁用)。
Report Filters 报告过滤器
Id Id
Period %s from - to 期间%s从-到
State 状态
Last run %s 上次运行%s
Runtime [s] 运行时[s]
Scheduled 计划
n/a 不可用
Report Configuration (%s) %s 报告配置(%s)%s
[OPTIONAL] - Name of a recipient (or list of names) - [可选] - 收件人姓名(或姓名列表) -
Click 'Continue' to Run the following Report: 点击“继续”以删除以下报告:
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Reports: 点击“继续”以删除以下报告:
Title Format: 标题格式: