English Chinese (Simplified)
Returns 1 (or C) if A >= B or 0 (or D) if not. Parameters C and D are optional. 如果A> = B,则返回1(或C),否则返回0(或D)。参数C和D是可选的。
f_le - Alias of f_cmp - IS LOWER OR EQUAL f_le-f_cmp的别名-较低或相等
Returns 1 (or C) if A <= B or 0 (or D) if not. Parameters C and D are optional. 如果A <= B,则返回1(或C),否则返回0(或D)。参数C和D是可选的。
Mathematical Operation to return the sum of two or more summands 返回两个或多个被加数之和的数学运算
Mathematical Operation to return the difference of minuend and subtrahend 数学运算以返回被减数和次减数的差
Multiplication 乘法
Mathematical Operation to return the product of multiplier and multiplicant 返回乘数和乘数乘积的数学运算
Mathematical Operation to return the fraction of divident and divisor 数学运算返回除数和除数的分数
Modulus 模量
Mathematical Operation to return the remainder of a division of two integers 返回两个整数除法的余数的数学运算
Exponentiation - PHP5.6 or above required 幂运算-需要PHP5.6或更高版本
Mathematical Operation to return the repeated multiplication (or division) of a base by its exponent. 通过基数的指数返回基数的重复乘法(或除法)的数学运算。
Decimal Mark CSV十进制分隔符
Round Bracket 圆形支架
Used to override normal precedence or to mark the first level of nesting 用于覆盖普通优先级或标记嵌套的第一层
Square Bracket 方括号
Used to override normal precedence or to mark the second level of nesting 用于覆盖普通优先级或标记第二层嵌套
Punctuation mark 标点符号
Used to separate arguments forwarded to a function 用于分隔转发给函数的参数
WARNING! This variable can be set to zero or unlimited 警告!此变量可以设置为零或无限