English Hindi
f_floor - Round Fractions Down
Returns the next lowest integer value by rounding down value if necessary.
$var: float
f_ceil - Round Fractions Up
Returns the next highest integer value by rounding up value if necessary.
f_round - Round A Float
$var: float or string value
f_high - Find Highest Value
$var1, $var2, $var3 ...: values to be compared
f_high - Find Lowest Value
f_if - Conditional Operation - IF-THEN-ELSE Logic
Returns B if A is true or C if A is false
f_isNaN - Find whether a value is not a number
Returns 1 (or B) if A === NaN or 0 (or C) if not. Parameters B and C are optional.
f_cmp - Complex Comparison
f_int - Alias of f_floor
f_rnd - Alias of f_round
f_eq - Alias of f_cmp - IS EQUAL
Returns 1 (or C) if A == B or 0 (or D) if not. Parameters C and D are optional.
f_uq - Alias of f_cmp - IS UNEQUAL