Returns the difference between the largest and the smallest value per DS
f_iqr - Interquartile Range
Returns the distance of the middle50% around the median per DS
f_sd - Standard Deviation
Returns the square root per data source variance
f_var - Variance
Returns the variance per DS
f_xth - Xth Percentile
Returns the xth percentitle.
$var: threshold in percent. Range: [0< $var ≤100]
f_dot - Duration Over Threshold
Returns the duration over a defined threshold in percent.
$var: threshold (absolute)
f_sot - Sum Over Threshold
Returns the sum of values over a defined threshold.
f_floor - Round Fractions Down
Returns the next lowest integer value by rounding down value if necessary.
$var: float
f_ceil - Round Fractions Up
Returns the next highest integer value by rounding up value if necessary.