15,000 Data Source Items
25,000 Data Source Items
1 Minute
%d Minutes
The unique name given to this Report Template.
A longer description of this Report Template.
A version number for this template
The author of this template
Should this report template be published for users to access? For testing purposes of new templates or modifications you should uncheck this box.
The status "locked" avoids any kind of modification to your report template as well as assigned measurands and variable definitions
Additional Pre-filter
Optional: The syntax to filter the available list of data items by their description. Use SQL wildcards like % and/or _. No regular Expressions!
Export Path
Optional: The path to an folder for saving the exports. If it does not exist ReportIt automatically tries to create it during the first scheduled calculation, else it will try to create a new subfolder within the main export folder using the template id.
Data Template