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Unknown monitoring status (%s) 未知监控状态(%s)
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The following report will identify Devices that have eclipsed their ping latency thresholds. You are receiving this report since you are subscribed to a Device associated with the Cacti system located at the following URL below. 以下报告将会识别已经超出其ping功能的设备
l延迟阈值. 您订阅了设备后, 您收到此报告
l与 Cacti系统相关联, 位于以下URL.
Choose the custom html wrapper and CSS file to use. This file contains both html and CSS to wrap around your report. If it contains more than simply CSS, you need to place a special <REPORT> tag inside of the file. This format tag will be replaced by the report content. These files are located in the 'formats' directory. 择要使用的自定义html包装器和CSS文件. 该文件包含html和CSS.以包装您的报告.如果它包含的不仅仅是CSS.你需要在文件中放置一个特殊的<REPORT>标签.此格式标签将被报告内容替换.
%d Percent Above Average %d百分比高于平均水平