English Chinese (Simplified)
Zoom to Errors 放大到错误
Check this to zoom to errored items on the Monitor display 选中此项可在监视器显示屏上显示图标图例
Zoom Background 缩放背景
Background Color for Zoomed Errors on the Monitor display 监视器显示屏上缩放错误的背景颜色
Zoom Fontsize 缩放字体
Should Threshold Alert Lists also receive Notification 阈值警报列表是否也收到通知
Enter a Reboot message subject for the Reboot Notification. 为重新启动通知输入重新启动消息标题.
Cacti Device Reboot Notification Cacti 设备重新启动通知
Enter the Email Name to send the notifications from 输入电子邮件名称以发送通知表单
Enter the Email Address to send the notification from 输入电子邮件地址以发送通知