Check this to show Uptime on the Monitor display
Check this to zoom to errored items on the Monitor display
Zoom Fontsize
Check this to automatically enable monitoring when creating new devices
How Often to Resend Emails
How often should emails notifications be sent to subscribers for these Devices if they are exceeding their latency thresholds
Every %d Minutes
Every %d Hours
Should Threshold Alert Lists also receive Notification
Enter an Email body to include in the Reboot Notification message. Currently, the only supported replacement tag accepted is <DETAILS>
<h1>Monitor Reboot Notification</h1><p>The following Device's were Rebooted. See details below for additional information.</p><br><DETAILS>
Enter the Email Name to send the notifications from
Enter the Email Address to send the notification from
%d Percent Above Average
What is the Criticality of this Device.