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The translation has come to an end.
English Latvian
Maximum Concurrent Collectors
What is the maximum number of concurrent collector process that you want to run at one time?
Auto Discovery Settings
DHCP/DNS/List Settings
DHCP Retention
How long would you like to retain DHCP IP registration history?
DNS Retention
How long would you like to retain DNS Cache history?
Address List Retention
How long would you like to retain Address List history?
Device Graph Automation Ierīces grafika automatizācija
Exclude Users RegEx
User names that match this regex will not be graphed automatically
Exclude Users Time to Live
How long should an excluded user's data be preserved after they have disconnected.
MikroTik Device Collection Frequencies MikroTik ierīču apkopojuma atjaunošanas biežums
How often do you want to scan Storage Statistics?
Interfaces Frequency
How often do you want to scan the Interfaces?
How often do you want to scan the DNS/DHCP/Address Lists?