English Chinese (Simplified)
New Type New Type
Cisco 思科
There were %d Device Types Added! 有%d设备类型已添加!
No New Device Types Found! 找不到新的设备类型!
Import Results 导入结果
Cacti has imported the following items: Cacti导入了以下条目:
Import Device Tracking Device Types 导入MacTrack设备类型
Import Device Types from Local File 从本地文件导入设备类型
Please specify the location of the CSV file containing your device type information. 请指定包含设备类型信息的CSV文件的位置。
Overwrite Existing Data? 覆盖现有数据?
Should the import process be allowed to overwrite existing data? Please note, this does not mean delete old row, only replace duplicate rows. 是否允许导入过程覆盖现有数据? 请注意,这并不意味着删除旧的行,只能替换重复的行。
Allow Existing Rows to be Updated? 允许更新现有的行?
Required File Format Notes 必需的文件格式注释
The file must contain a header row with the following column headings. 该文件必须包含具有以下列标题的标题行.
- A common name for the device. For example Cisco 6509 Switch - 设备的通用名称。例如Cisco 6509交换机
- The vendor who produces this device - 生产此设备的供应商
- The type of device this is. See the notes below for this integer value - 这是设备的类型。有关此整数值,请参阅下面的注释
- A unique set of characters from the snmp sysDescr that uniquely identify this device snmp sysDescr中唯一标识此设备的一组独特字符
- The vendor specific snmp sysObjectID that distinguishes this device from the next 供应商特定的snmp sysObjectID区分这个设备和下一个
- The scanning function that will be used to scan this device type - 用于扫描此设备类型的扫描功能