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Default SNMP read community for all new hosts. 默认SNMP读取所有新主机的社区。
Communities 团体字符串
Fill in the list of available SNMP read strings to test for this device. Each read string must be separated by a colon ':'. These read strings will be tested sequentially if the primary read string is invalid. 填写可用的SNMP读取字符串列表以测试此设备。 每个读取的字符串必须用冒号':'分隔。 如果主读取字符串无效,这些读取的字符串将依次测试。
The UDP/TCP Port to poll the SNMP agent on. 用于轮询SNMP代理的UDP / TCP端口。
Default SNMP timeout in milli-seconds. 以毫秒为单位的默认SNMP超时。
The number times the SNMP poller will attempt to reach the host before failing. 在发生故障前,SNMP轮询器尝试访问主机的次数。
snmpbulkwalk Binary Path snmpbulkwalk二进制路径
The path to your snmpbulkwalk binary. snmpbulkwalk二进制文件的路径。
MacTrack Settings MacTrack网站
Default Tab 默认标签
Which MacTrack tab would you want to be your Default tab every time you goto the MacTrack second. 每次您进入MacTrack时,您希望将哪个MacTrack选项卡作为“默认”选项卡。
IP Addresses IP地址
Mac Addresses MAC地址
dot1x Deta dot1x Deta
Device Tracking Devices 设备跟踪实用程序
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Device Tracking Device Types 设备跟踪 - 设备报告视图
Device Tracking Sites 设备跟踪实用程序
Mac Address Tracking Utility Mac地址跟踪工具