Which MacTrack tab would you want to be your Default tab every time you goto the MacTrack second.
dot1x Deta
Device Tracking Vendor Macs
%d Seconds
%d Minute
Sync Device Tracking Device to Cacti Device
Every %d Minutes
Every %d Hour
Every %d Hours
%d Month
%d Months
%d Year
Every %d Days
Mac Watch
The Device Tracking scanning function to call in order to obtain and store port details. The function name is all that is required. The following four parameters are assumed and will always be appended: 'my_function($site, &$device, $lowport, $highport)'. There is no function required for a pure router.
The Device Tracking scanning function specific to Switches with dot1x enabled.
SNMP Community String
SNMP Timeout
SNMP Retries
Switch/Hub, Switch/Router Settings