Click 'Continue' to Authorize the following MAC Addresses.
Click 'Continue' to Revoke the following MAC Addresses.
Dev.:%s IP.:%s MAC.:%s PORT.:%s Count.: [%s]
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following rows from Aggregated table.
Scanner Max Runtime
How long should port MAC details be retained in the database.
How long should discovered IPs details be retained in the database.
What delimiter should Device Tracking use when parsing the Ignore Ports string for each switch.
Auto Detect
Pipe [|]
How should each octet of the MAC address be delimited.
Dash [-]
When reviewing network interface statistics, what bandwidth threshold do you want to view by default.
%d Percent
DNS Timeout
DNS Prime Interval
Mac Address <MAC> found at IP Address <IP> for Ticket Number: <TICKET>.<br>The device is located at<br>Site: <SITENAME>, Device <DEVICENAME>, IP <DEVICEIP>, Port <PORTNUMBER>, and Port Name <PORTNAME>
MacAuth Report Frequency
How often will the MacAuth Reports be Emailed.
snmpbulkwalk Binary Path