Context English Chinese (Traditional)
Check this if you want to delete any existing files in the FTP remote directory. This option is in use only when using the PHP built-in ftp functions. 如果要刪除FTP遠程目錄中的任何現有文件,請選中此項。僅在使用PHP內置ftp函數時才使用此選項。
Choose the number of Graphs Per Page to display. 選擇要顯示的每頁圖表數。
Choose when to Export Graphs. 選擇何時導出圖形。
Choose which export method to use. 選擇要使用的導出方法。
Choose which presentation would you want for the html generated pages. If you choose classical presentation; the Graphs will be in a only-one-html page. If you choose tree presentation, the Graph Tree architecture will be kept in the static html pages 選擇要為html生成的頁面顯示哪個演示文稿。如果你選擇經典的演示;圖表將只在一個html頁面中。如果選擇樹表示,則圖樹結構將保留在靜態html頁面中
filter: reset Clear 清除
Clear Directory 出口目錄
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Graph Export Definition. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下圖形導出定義。
Click 'Continue' to disable the following Graph Export Definition. 單擊“繼續”以禁用以下圖形導出定義。
Click 'Continue' to enable the following Graph Export Definition. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下圖形導出定義。
Click 'Continue' to run the following Graph Export Definition now. 單擊“繼續”以立即運行以下圖形導出定義。
Communication port to use for the export method if non-standard (leave empty for defaults). 非標準用於導出方法的通信端口(默認為空)。
Compression error 壓縮錯誤
Connecting to host failed. 連接到主機失敗。
Connection broken 連接壞了
Connection failed 連接失敗
Continue 繼續
Daemon unable to append to log-file 守護程序無法附加到日誌文件
Daily 每日
Daily at specified time 每天在指定時間