Context English
Check this if you want to delete any existing files in the FTP remote directory. This option is in use only when using the PHP built-in ftp functions.
Choose the number of Graphs Per Page to display.
Choose when to Export Graphs.
Choose which export method to use.
Choose which presentation would you want for the html generated pages. If you choose classical presentation; the Graphs will be in a only-one-html page. If you choose tree presentation, the Graph Tree architecture will be kept in the static html pages
filter: reset Clear
Clear Directory
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Graph Export Definition.
Click 'Continue' to disable the following Graph Export Definition.
Click 'Continue' to enable the following Graph Export Definition.
Click 'Continue' to run the following Graph Export Definition now.
Communication port to use for the export method if non-standard (leave empty for defaults).
Compression error
Connecting to host failed.
Connection broken
Connection failed
Daemon unable to append to log-file
Daily at specified time