You must select at least one Graph Export Definition.
What is being Exported.
Use x Threads
Use passive mode
Unknown error
Trees Selected
Too many connections
Timing Method
Timeout waiting for daemon connection
Timeout in data send/receive
This setting determines if Tree Devices and Site Templates and Devices will be expanded or not. If set to expanded, each host will have a sub-folder containing either Graph Templates or Data Query items.
This is the directory, either on the local system or on the remote system, that will contain the exported data.
This is the directory that Cacti will temporarily store output prior to sending to the remote site via the transfer method. The contents of this directory will be deleted after the data is transferred.
The user that this export will impersonate.
The user name to utilize for establishing permissions to Cacti Graphs. This user name will be used to determine which Graphs/Trees can be exported. N/A means don't assume any security is in place.
The Tree(s) to export.
The Site for Cacti Graphs to be Exported from.
The number of Graphs Exported on the last run.
The number of columns to use by default when displaying Graphs.
The next time the Graph Export should run.