English Chinese (Traditional)
The TOS Fields to search for in the Filter. This can be a comma delimited list of TOS Fields 在過濾器中搜索的TOS字段。這可以是逗號分隔的TOS字段列表
Filter on the select Source IP for in the Filter. This can be a comma delimited list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, or a comma delimited list of IPv4 or IPv6 address ranges in CIDR format (eg. 在篩選器中選擇的源IP上進行篩選。這可以是IPv4或IPv6地址的逗號分隔列表,也可以是CIDR格式(例如192.168.1.0/24)的IPv4或IPv6地址範圍的逗號分隔列表。
Source Ports 源端口
Filter on the select Source Ports for in the Filter. This can be a comma delimited list of Source Ports. 在“過濾器”中選擇的“源端口”上進行過濾。這可以是逗號分隔的源端口列表。
Source Interface 源接口
Filter on the select Source Interface for in the Filter. This can be a comma delimited list of Source Interfaces 在過濾器中選擇源接口上進行過濾。這可以是源接口的逗號分隔列表
Filter on the select Destination AS for in the Filter. This can be a comma delimited list of Source AS's 在篩選器中選擇的目標AS上進行篩選。這可以是逗號分隔的來源AS的列表
Filter on the select Destination IP for in the Filter. This can be a comma delimited list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, or a comma delimited list of IPv4 or IPv6 address ranges in CIDR format (eg. 在篩選器中選擇的目標IP上進行篩選。這可以是IPv4或IPv6地址的逗號分隔列表,也可以是CIDR格式(例如192.168.1.0/24)的IPv4或IPv6地址範圍的逗號分隔列表。
Dest Ports 目的通訊埠
Filter on the select Destination Ports for in the Filter. This can be a comma delimited list of Destimation Ports. 在篩選器中選擇的目標端口上進行篩選。這可以是以逗號分隔的“目標端口”列表。
Dest Interface Dest接口
Filter on the select Destination Interface for in the Filter. This can be a comma delimited list of Destimation Interfaces. 在篩選器中選擇的目標接口上進行篩選。這可以是Destimation接口的逗號分隔列表。
Dest AS 目的通訊埠
Filter on the select Destination AS for in the Filter. This can be a comma delimited list of Destimation AS's 在篩選器中選擇的目標AS上進行篩選。這可以是Destimation AS的逗號分隔列表
Unable to Delete Flow Filter '%s' as its in use in a Scheduled Report.
Flow Filter '%s' Deleted. 過濾器已被刪除
Delete 刪除
Listener Name 成員
Name of the device to be displayed. 要顯示的設備的名稱。
Collection Method 收集方法