English Chinese (Simplified)
Bytes Exchanged 字节交换
Packets Examined Packets Bar
Plugin -> Flow Viewer 插件 - >流程查看器
Plugin -> Flow Admin 插件 - > Flow Admin
Hostname Resolution 分辨率
Use Local Server 使用本地服务器
Use DNS Server Below 使用备用DNS服务器
Don't Resolve DNS 不要解析DNS
Data Retention Policy 资料保留政策
The amount of time Cacti will maintain the partitioned Flow tables. 仙人掌将维护分区流表的时间。
Database Partitioning Scheme 数据库分区方案
Depending on the number of flows per minute, you may require more tables per day. 根据每分钟的流数,您可能每天需要更多表。