English Chinese (Simplified)
If the Parallel Query does not finish in this time, exit. 如果并行查询在此时间内未完成,请退出。
%d Minute %d 分钟
%d Minutes %d 分钟
Cached Data Time to Live 缓存数据生存时间
How long should FlowView hold onto Cached Query results before purging them? 在清除缓存查询结果之前,FlowView 应将缓存查询结果保留多长时间?
%d Hours %d 小时
%d Day %d 天
%d Days %d 天
MaxScale Sharding MaxScale 分片
Leverage MaxScale to Distribute Query Shards 利用 MaxScale 分发查询分片
If you have multiple service acting as slaves for MaxScale, you can increase the speed of querying by distributing the parallel queries to multiple MariaDB backend servers. 如果您有多个服务充当 MaxScale 的从属服务器,则可以通过将并行查询分发到多个 MariaDB 后端服务器来提高查询速度。
MaxScale Read-Only Port MaxScale 只读端口
This should be the port of the Read-Only-Service (readconnroute) service and router. 这应该是只读服务 (readconnroute) 服务和路由器的端口。
Flowview FlowView