English Chinese (Simplified)
The amount of time Cacti will maintain the partitioned Flow tables. 仙人掌将维护分区流表的时间。
%d Week %d 周
%d Weeks %d 周
%d Month %d 月
%d Months %d 月
%d Year %d 年
Database Partitioning Scheme 数据库分区方案
Depending on the number of flows per minute, you may require more tables per day. 根据每分钟的流数,您可能每天需要更多表。
Daily 每天
Hourly 每小时
Storage Engine for Raw Tables 原始表的存储引擎
The Aria Engine is perfect for all but the Live raw table. The Live raw table will always be InnoDB. Take your pick. Aria Engine 非常适合除 Live raw 表以外的所有内容。 Live raw 表将始终为 InnoDB。 任您挑选。
Aria (Fast, Crash Safe) Aria(快速、碰撞安全)
InnoDB (Slow, High Concurrency) InnoDB(慢速、高并发)
Parallel Queries 并行查询
Max Concurrent Threads 最大并发线程数
The maximum number of threads that will be dispatched to run the FlowView queries. Note that you can have at most 1 thread per database partition, and you should be careful not to overload your database server with having too many concurrent threads running. 为运行 FlowView 查询而调度的最大线程数。 请注意,每个数据库分区最多可以有 1 个线程,并且应注意不要因运行过多的并发线程而使数据库服务器过载。
Disabled 已禁用
%d Threads %d 线程
Maximum Run Time 最大行数